Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't see you appreciating any aliens but rather mocking and dismissing those who do.
  2. It's hard to say who understands what.
  3. Let's all live on the moon while we're at it.
  4. Wrestle a crocodile under a flowering cherry tree.
  5. Mathematicians are even worse. But nondualists are in a league of their own.
  6. @Water by the River You are like a broken record. You are like a scientist who goes around say, "A woman?! That's just atoms! An alien?! That's just atoms. All I care to know is atoms! The suchness of that underlies everything." But you actually have no understanding or appreciation of a woman or an alien. And yet, ironically, you are stuck in that human body and mind, spinning on repeat.
  7. Now that I think of it, reduction of morality could itself be another reductionist trap. You could formulate morality in a much high-caliber, more positive, more visionary way as: Being of highest service to Consciousness/Love. Instead of merely reducing harm to other, this formulation of morality means you take on a proactive role is being of service to the whole Universe, whatever that entails. Of course all this assumes you have a very clean and deep connection to Consciousness/God, not just some human spiritual act. It could only be done by the wokest and most developed humans. So the problem with this formulation is that it's totally beyond the normal human. It would require Awakening and much more.
  8. When you are ultra-Woke
  9. Look, understand what it is that I do here. I explore Consciousness to discover things about it. It's like exploring the Earth back 2000 years ago. You never know what you'll find. All I'm doing is exploring Consciousness and making certain observations about it. This doesn't mean I have all the answers. I speak of what I have discovered so far, and who knows what I will discover tomorrow. So I don't place any limits on it. But what is obvious is that humans are generally stuck in a very narrow band of consciousness, regardless of whether they are enlightened or not. As a basic example, an enlightened man can fail at a basic thing like understanding what the consciousness of a woman is like. A woman does not have the same consciousness as a man. It's qualitatively different. Even though of course Nothingness is at the root of all consciousness. But reducing it to Nothingness means you still don't understand the consciousness of a woman. To understand the consciousness of a woman you'd have to stop being a man and become a woman. And if you actually did that, your understanding of consciousness would grow.
  10. I never said not to explore. In fact I say to explore. It's nondualists who tell you not to explore. A human can raise its consciousness. It's just limited. Don't be so quick to choose. You don't know what you want until you try it. You are given two black boxes and you say you want black box #2 instead of #1. This is a meaningless choice. That's right. Even 2 or 3 axes is just a simplistic way to talk about it. It's not really mappable at all. There are millions of qualitatively different states. It's like you're trying to map all the fruits on a 1D, 2D, or 3D chart. But each fruit is its own unique thing. They have some similarities but you cannot reduce all the fruits to one chart.
  11. Yes. But it's not just a simple matter of higher or lower. There is a huge horizontal dimension to Consciousness. Which means, not higher not lower, but just wildly different in quality. It's generally safe to assume that there's always more. But also, don't get stuck looking at it as single linear dimension of highest and lowest. The most interesting stuff is the sideways dimension. And there seems to be infinite sideways dimension so you're not gonna get it all. Enlightenment is good too. You should care about it. It's just not all there is to Consciousness.
  12. Yes and no. Your baseline state is constrained but you can have peak experiences into very new states for a while. And maybe there is a way to transcend the human state but enlightenment ain't that. You can't ever know who's the best in the world, but he's high up there. Ralston is too advanced for people to really understand what he accomplished. His accomplishments are not in brute power, they are in the domain of consciousness.
  13. I have not read Art of Mastery. It's probably his easiest book. Or you just overlooked the nuance. Like I said, he is a freak of nature. Go look at our Freaks Of Nature Mega-Thread. That's why I made it. He didn't become the best martial artist in the world for no good reason.
  14. Creatures can be more or less conscious. Yes, state. There are higher and lower states. You can deconstruct and remove the human identity, the ego. But you are still left with the kind of state that is made possible by human DNA. When you become enlightened and lose the ego, you do not turn into a kangaroo. You still have a human body. And you even have a human mind. Your mind does not become unlimited from enlightenment. Existence is unlimited. But your DNA puts you in a human body. You don't have an experience of being a woman either, but you can imagine it is different than being a man. Fundamentally their DNA and the structure of their brains. You can change your state, but only within a narrow range that your biology allows. A human can learn to jump higher, but a human can never fly like a bird.
  15. Do you really think that humans are the most conscious creatures in the universe? I mean, this isn't rocket science. These enlightened humans are so full of themselves. As if their stupid enlightenment is the end of it. The reason I called such people rats is to remind them of where they sit in the great chain of creatures. You do not sit at the top, you sit near the rat. That is what enlightened human consciousness is, rat-like consciousness. Yes, but I want to balance it out with some hope and positivity because people would take it badly.
  16. Yes, but your hands are more real than Santa Claus. There is the possibilty of not-dreaming. But that might get old. If you really want to hear a mindfuck: you are dreaming sleep right now. It's so fucking tricky that it's hard to believe it.
  17. No it isn't. No human is highly conscious. You are NOT in control of your level of consciousness. It's not up to you. You're stuck in a dream.
  18. Well, it's basically stage Green hippie ideals. But conservatives don't want to hear it. Blue is about loyalty to religion, race, and nation. Orange is about capitalistic materialism. Green is about opening of the heart and New Age sorts of soft spirituality. Free love, acceptance, diversity, peace.
  19. It's a very tricky question because the future IS a dream. And you are asking about the future. In general I would say that it is God's nature to dream forever. However it's also possible to take pauses in dreaming and rest in pure Infinity/Nothingness.
  20. Yes of course. But level of consciousness is largely genetic.
  21. @Davino I'm glad you got a taste of Truth.
  22. Not on my own, with the help of you Mods.