Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. "Shared objective reality" is a sort of construction. However, for human purposes there is much in common between our dreams so that's what makes "objective facts" possible. How this situation looks really depends on your level of consciousness. If you have human levels of consciousness then things appear objective when they would be relative at higher levels. Objectivity depends on how deep you are dreaming, so some extent.
  2. That's not an easy thing to understand. You should investigate that question in your direct experience with examples and contemplation. I gave somewhat of an answer here:
  3. The things I spoke of were more profound and important than wrong intellectual beliefs. Beliefs are cheap. Seeing how wrongly your relative to a thing is deeper. Our work is not really done at the level if beliefs, that would be too shallow.
  4. I have not changed my mind, but they work at the cost of physical and health danger.
  5. It's good that you are thinking more seriously about this topic, because it is very tricky and most people are wrong in their understanding of it. You are inside a dream. Your dream has a certain coherence and flow to it which is beyond you ability to control or to change. Those aspects of your dream which you cannot change, we call objective truth or "reality". For example, you are dreaming that the Earth is round, and you cannot undream that. But all of that assumes your dream will continue as before. But that won't always be the case. Your dream could change and then all those objective truths are rug-pulled. And then there could be truths which hold regardless of what you're dreaming. For example, the nature of Consciousness is beyond the contents of any dream. The fact that you are in a dream, is not relative or subjective. But beware, most things which people call objective truths are not, they are opinions, beliefs, interpretations, and perspectives. And beware, people are not all dreaming the same dream. So what is objectively true in your dream may not be in another's dream. This is one of big mistakes of science: science assumes we all dream the same dream. But even furthermore, ultimately you are dreaming all other dreams and dreamers. So in this sense everything is absolutely relative to You/God. But you as a human are nowhere near this level of consciousness.
  6. I don't see that it is sold anywhere and it requires injection?
  7. Be careful believing what you want to hear.
  8. Any ideas about awakening tend to be false until you have experience of many awakenings to the point where you start to understand what it is. Even after your first awakening it's easy to misunderstand it, to spin it into some relatable human thing.
  9. Short answer is no. There is no free lunch. All these chemicals deteriorate your brain over time with lots of use. So use them sparingly. Psychedelics are not free. You are paying for it with your health. Making you grok that. Just because you have an epic loving experience of God does not mean it was healthy for your body. Don't get fooled by that. Ketamine is certainly not good for you long term.
  10. New Age is a huge field. I wouldn't hold is so simplistically as bad or good. It's got good parts and bad parts, depending on the details and how it is done. Imagine saying science is good or bad, or medicine is good or bad? These fields have many good and bad parts. Obviously shaming yourself is going to be limited. Instead make a commitment to pursuing truth and cutting through fantasy. If you have that as your highest priority then things will sort themselves out. You don't need worry about being New Age as long as your genuine goal is truth-seeking. You will then naturally discover the limitions of whatever spiritual paradigms and fantasies. You should be doing spirituality at the level of your direct experience, not by buying into spiritual narratives. Always be asking yourself, "Is this thing grounded in my experience or is it a cool-sounding narrative that I heard from some human?" Anything can be turned into a narrative, even enlightenment.
  11. @NoSelfSelf Your writing is so unclear that I cannot answer you properly. Write more carefully.
  12. No you don't. Saying that Consciousness has degrees is not a model. And the fact that you cannot understand this means all your enlightenment talk is garbage. I've been so conscious that if I was any more conscious I would be dead. You have no idea what you are talking about. When I say Alien Consciousness you have zero idea what that is. No one here does.
  13. I've met New Age mystic types who believe they can heal people when they really can't, they just created an elaborate fantasy. Maybe. Parts of it may be fantasy and parts of it may have some merit. New Age spirituality is a giant mix of fantasy with some genuine mystical states, so it's hard to sort it out.
  14. You can't really improve them. The whole approach is wrong. I create models about relative things in the material world. I don't create models for Consciousness itself.
  15. None of these models properly account for Consciousness. Consciousness is not mappable with any linear model.
  16. @Water by the River You do not understand what Consciousness or God is. You have a bunch of human spiritual constructions running you. In this respect you are very arrogant, even though you love to play humble and wise. You are playing games on this forum around this whole topic. Whatever enlightenment you think you have, it is not a profound understanding of God. What you have is a gross reduction. And you infect others with these ideas. God dreams entire worlds, and you have no understanding of how this is accomplished. And because of that you invent your reductions. This makes your life much easier because you don't actually take on the enormous burden of comprehending God. Enlightenment is a human dream. When you realize that, then you can begin understanding God.
  17. Less so than a normie. But mystical people do fall into New Age types of paradigms quite easily.
  18. One of the biggest style differences is low energy vs high energy and chill vs aggressive.
  19. You are getting out of line and spreading low quality takes on this forum. This is a warning. If you keep making low quality posts like this, you will be kicked out of here. We have quality standards here. This is not Reddit where you can post political garbage without consequence.
  20. PBD

    I am well aware of BPD's MLM background.
  21. You can do that here! Just start a thread. It is not good to fragment this already small community into private subcommunuties.
  22. There are some people who are by default as high as on psychedelics without any psychedelics. Then it's very easy to intuit this stuff. Otherwise it's very hard. Teal Swan is a good example. As I said elswhere, state drives everything you do and are capable of. If you were in a mentally retarded state you could barely add two numbers together.
  23. Depends a lot on your spiritual talentedness and baseline state of consciousness. It would be easy to intuit if you were just born with a higher baseline state. Some people are born enlightened so to speak.
  24. But then you're NOT a loser because you never even set that goal for yourself. It's like if I called myself a loser for not being a doctor, even thought I never even tried it. You have a new goal now, so go for it.
  25. This is incorrect. Truth is not only the absolute. There are also many relative objective truths, which are distinct from subjective truths. For example, you can be wrong that the Earth is flat. That would a relative objective truth. You could be wrong about many relative objective things. For example, you could think that whales are fish when are mammals. You can also be objectively wrong about many psychological insights and notions. For exmaple, you could be wrong science is not a belief while religion is. Many, many people are wrong in their understanding of psychology, philosophy, epistemology, science, religion, spirituality, politics, human nature, business, men vs women, etc. You can even be objectively wrong about what is best for someone. So, ironically, you are wrong in your understanding of this topic of wrongness