Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Travel is good for you in more ways than one.
  2. Not very long, maybe 15-30 mins. But it can feel subjectively longer because it feels like you're stuck there forever.
  3. It is useful to make some maps of consciousness, but once you get advanced you will have to let them go to really go deep into uncharted waters. A map will limit your ability to imagine new types of consciousness. For example, insanity is not on any spiritual map, and yet it is a very serious and advanced domain. Humans don't even understand what sanity is. Not to mention much more radical forms of consciousness. One time I became so conscious that I discovered something I called the inverse of consciousness. Which no one here even knows is possible.
  4. Because there is this asymmetry. Women are more intuitive and being feminine is about acting more intuitively, so logical advice is not so good for that. And men like logical, practical advice for how to be a man. A woman does not sit down and rationally calculate her mating strategy the way a man might. There exists a lot of advice for women about connecting to their emotions, feelings, and so forth. That IS how to be a real woman. It isn't about sitting down and learning a bunch of logical things. There exists a whole domain of feminine personal development, which you will not get from my work.
  5. Somewhere in a river a lonely crocodile dreams of eating a Buddhist. That crocodile is my spirit animal.
  6. Not so fast! You overlook the possibility that God could create a reality in which Christianity is absolutely true. Your notion of absolute is too reductionistic and limited. Imagine an infinity of different mutually exclusive absolutes. Imagine Absolute Christianity, Absolute Islam, and Absolute Satanism. All of them absolute within themselves. But now imagine a world in which Jesus is the only truth and everyone else is going to Hell. God could construct such a dream and it would be true as long as you are inside that dream. Outside a dream there is nothing. Wisdom does connect with truth in some way, but wisdom doesn't have to be present or active at all. There can be consciousness devoid of any wisdom and it is no less legit. But God is a dreamer of worlds, so if you want to understand God you better think beyond you present little world. It's like you were born on a island and don't want to be all crazy thinking about anything across the sea because island life is your whole reality.
  7. Truth identical to God. For this reason God does not manipulate reality, God just is reality. Humans like to imagine God as a mastee manipulator, but is more profound than that. God does not manipulate, it just surrenders to its own true nature, which flows for its own infinite perfection and intelligence. God IS that highest flow.
  8. These people were not living normal lives. They were very niche, specialized humans. If you live a modern life you need to be a lot more realistic. Beware the trap of simplisitic life quotes. To navigate the modern world requires a lot of complex thinking. Ramana lived in a fucking cave. Unless you are doing that, don't mirror his behavior too closely.
  9. Because people post ugly junk. I don't want to recreate MySpace.
  10. Trump's self-deception isn't deep, it's shallow. That's the embrassment of it.
  11. I wanted to remove myself from your work. So that you don't get hung up on me.
  12. I've used those in that past to help with Kriya yoga breathing. My nose is chronically blocked.
  13. To spare you a truth you are not yet ready to accept
  14. @Osaid If there's no unenlightened humans then no point speaking about enlightenment.
  15. This function is supposed to be disabled for everyone, including Mods.
  16. If consciousness cannot lower itself it cannot dream, which would be the ultimate limit. Just the fact that you were born is proof that consciousness can lower and limit itself. You can't have it both ways. You can't say that all these humans are deluded and unenlightend and then claim that consciousness cannot be low.
  17. Everything is deniable. What would happen is that it would be denied.
  18. @Osaid You are engaging in reductionism. You CAN do that. But then that's all your world will contain. You are choosing to relate to Consciousness that way. Consciousness does not have to limited to your reductions. You create a self-reinforcing reductionist dream, so then that becomes your reality. But that is not my reality because I think bigger than you.
  19. Yes, but that wisdom is still relative to how the world is, which could change. That's not necessarily true. God could dream a dream in which fundamentalist Christianity is objectively true. But that's not our current dream, and it's not even the dream of Christians. A Christian's dream includes that Christianity is ultimately a fiction. But there can be a deeper dream where Christianity is not a fiction. But no Chrisitian is powerful enough to dream that. Not exactly. There are domains of Consciousness where wisdom simply doesn't exist or apply. Wisdom is a human sorta thing. A crocodile don't give a fuck about wisdom. No, because a Trump supporter is a thing within our particular world/dream, and relative to this world they are deluded. In a different world they may not be deluded but that doesn't mean anything in our world because politics is all relative to one's world.
  20. No. You have some power over how you use your mind and that leads to different actions which influence the universe in a small way.
  21. How is it not obvious to you that you could experience a short term mental performance boost at the cost of lower long-term performance? Many things in life give great results, with a hidden long term cost. Just as a basic example, studies show that chronic weed use leads to deterioration of memory over the long term. I love weed, but I wouldn't want to lose my memory as I get older so I would not use it chroncially.
  22. What's being dreamt is not up to you, it's up to God. And it's not really even up to God because God is just an absolute ocean of dreams. God doesn't manipulate the dreams, God is surrendered to whatever dreams must be dreamt. That's what Absolute Truth means. There is a certain absolute flow to Consciousness. It's like a mighty river that no one can stop, not even God. They are just different styles of dream. Some dreams are very loose and others are very rigged. Notice, humans need sleep to rest because they get exhausted from too much rigged dreaming. Consciousness has to balance out the rigged dreams with loose ones or it goes mad. That's because the nature of Consciousness is to dream, and dream big.
  23. This is false. You are engaging in a now reductionism. It is wrong to strip consciousness down to only the now. It is now, but it's also more than now. Degrees of consciousness is not a conceptual or even a human construction, it is part of the absolute nature of consciousness. You can be profoundly awake and still realize there are higher degrees of consciousness which you do not yet have. In fact, if you don't realize this you're not very bright. Yes, imagination must be employed to go beyond the now, but that's a feature not a bug. Imagination IS how consciousness fully grasps itself, because it IS imagination. This imagination is absolute, not merely conceptual. Right now even if you are enlightened, Consciousness is hiding from you. It is hiding things you cannot even comprehend are there. If you say, "But NOW is all there is!" Well, that's how you hide it from yourself. Notice, NOW is absolute, but also NOW is always changing. You can't deny that NOW is never the same. So clearly things are hidden from you. And not just material things, but Consciousnes itself is hiding from you. For example, you don't even know what insanity consciousness is. Because you need to be sane to stay alive as a human. So you being human hides a lot from you. If you've never experienced an increase in your consciousness then I don't even know why you do spirituality. There are only two options here: either consciousness can increase or it cannot. If it cannot, then all spiritual practice and all of spirituality is bullshit. So then why are you doing and talking about it? Just go drink and party and enjoy your current level of consciousness because there's nothing more. And if you think you've maxed out your consciousness, you truly are a fool.