Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. No, I mean something far more radical. Imagine a reality where Christianity is literally true for everyone. And that is the only reality. A 100% Christian reality. That would be a real test of God's dreaming skills. So my question to you is: How good of a dreamer do you wager God is?
  2. Christanity can be true within some dream. Contemplate this: If God cannot dream up Christianity as true, then God isn't really Infinite.
  3. Not an external world, but an infinite possibility space of imagination.
  4. This where even 1 solid friend can do wonders. Sounds like you need to work on developing a friend or two who is into this work. You could trip in a motel room or a tent.
  5. Transcending judgment is really fucking difficult. Because it's so fundamental to our survival.
  6. @CoolDreamThanks Excellent! Now you're starting to grasp the depth of the problem. However, it gets even trickier because you are still entangled with the game of survival. You are not free to sit out on the sidelines because life must go on and choices must be made. And no matter how enlightened you get or whatever, you will still be using your mind to make choices and to manipulate reality around you. You will still be thinking, and probably not be thinking well, since that is the default unless you train yourself how to think properly. So you're damned if you do and danmned if you don't. And then there is stuff you can know. You can know you're God. And many other things. Be careful just parroting some platitude of "I don't know". In fact you know many things. If no knowing was possible, that would be too easy. Our situation is more difficult than that. God gives you just enough knowing to hang yourself with
  7. Your experience is still absolute and could not be otherwise. However, absoluteness is a very tricky thing. Just because your experience is absolute does not mean stuff can't also be hidden. In a sense everything is hidden from you except those few things you experience. The reason my teachings are not clear is because I've been busy discovering crazy shit that no one understands or talks about. And I don't have a good way of talking about it. I reached levels of consciousness I cannot make sense of or talk about. Utterly alien shit. And I don't know what to do with it. Meanwhile nondualists and Buddists gaslight me at every step.
  8. Now we're talkin! I like the way you think.
  9. The biggeat trick is that God can hide stuff from itself. Consciousness has the capacity to forget and to remember. So imagine that therr is a goblin living in your closet, but you just forgot about it. That's really the power that God has over itself. There are literal goblins that God is hiding from you. This is an aspect of God/Consciousness that no nondual chimp understands or talks about. Because they brainwashed themselves with the idea that now is all there is. But there exist goblins which you don't now see. But you could see them if only your consciousness was higher. And no amount of nondual chimpery will do it.
  10. Look, God encompasses all dualities you can think of, even the conscious and unconscious duality. It's all One, but this One unfolds in many tricky ways. I don't have a full grasp of the nuances of its unfoldment. It's too tricky to grasp it. If you say there is God and then some even more fundamental void prior to God, then you have created a duality.
  11. No. The amount of God is always 100%. No. You are describing formlessness, which is also God.
  12. You ever had a hangover or a headache after a day of deep tripping? That's your clue it ain't good for your body. Listen to the clues your body is sending you
  13. I've awoken to being a cartoon wolf, so... Cartoon Wolf Consciousness, bitches.
  14. This can depend on how high of a consciousness you look at it from. In practice you are imagining that other people are dreaming in parallel to you. If you become super duper conscious you might transcend that. But then again, there is even higher consciousness which transcends that. Maybe.
  15. This is some silly bit of logic. Science is also conceptual. Concepts can point to real patterns within a dream. Christianity could point to real phenomena. The problem is that is probably does. Jesus could actually have risen from the dead, but he probably didn't. In this sense Christianity is false. And who knows, may Jesus dod rise from the dead. We don't technically know. Just because something is conceptual does not make it false. Falsehood is the relationship between your concepts of the dream you're in and the actual dream.
  16. They are wrong relative to their own dream. Flat Earthers are wrong because if they take a flight out to space they will see a round Earth, not a flat one. In THIS dream. In some other dream the Earth may be flat. But we are not in that dream now. Your beliefs need to match the dream you're in. Or else you are wrong.
  17. @Schizophonia If you don't understand that women don't operate in a logical way then you don't know jack about women and there is nothing further to discuss. Study the difference between masculine and feminine psychology.
  18. Don't just wrestle with it in some vague sense. Sit down with a pen and paper and think it through with some concrete examples. You will start to see how it works.
  19. Hard work applied to starting a career/biz will kill both those birds with one stone. You could also apply that strong work ethic to spiritual practice or raising a family or personal development. Blue is about discipline. Orange is about achievement.
  20. Pick which ever you want. It would be as real as the physical world. But everything the Mind imagines is absolute in the ultimate sense. The mistake is holding only Nothingness or Formlessness as absolute. But all form is absolute too. This what the nondualists miss. You can explore other kinds of consciousness and other dreams. Of course they are still dreamt by you, but its like you enter a new reality. It's not like you cannot travel beyond your one island. Of course you cannot escape it all being your imagination. That's always the case no matter what.
  21. Post the best survival, bushcraft, and camping videos here.
  22. Travel is good for you in more ways than one.