Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It really depends on who is holding it. There's no such thing as "Buddhism", there are people who hold various ideas, some of which they call Buddhist. There is a huge range of quality in Buddhism. From totally clueless to quite consciousness, and mostly somewhere in between. You really need to evaluate on a person by person basis to get any kind of accuracy. Keep in mind that most Buddhists don't even understand Buddhism.
  2. And what about when she disappears? Why do you still regard her as real? A disappearing mother sounds like a suspicious thing
  3. Well, the trick is that the difference between you, we, and I are imaginary. So that's why it can be spoken of in all those ways. It's various ways to looking at it.
  4. If solipsism is true then everything is relative to your state of consciousness and Rupert Spira is a dream. So no, Rupert Spira cannot save you here. Your mind is going to try to make appeals to other humans and the social domain, but solipsism precludes all that. No spiritual teacher, no spiritual writing can help you here because if solipsism is true then all of that stuff is just an illusion you created to invent other.
  5. Insane understanding of reality is possible, beyond anything every human can conceive of. "To know everything" is a poor way of framing it. I am nowhere close to knowing everything, but I understand some things so deeply that that is good enough. Don't worry about reaching some ulimtiamte final answer, just enjoy the process of understanding reality deeper, in whatever ways interest you. There is no reason to be depressed on this point. All that is part of the understanding process and is good and proper. God-Realization is the point and it's absolutely worth it. No one can disprove Infinity. Infinity is the final answer you seek. But even that isn't a simple final answer. Infinity is a hell of a thing to understand.
  6. This is pure bullshit. Their whole enlightenment and life is a dream. Nobody on this Earth has escape dreaming. Everyone here is dreaming! You are dreaming that psychedelics don't work on you.
  7. I am not saying psychedelics cannot stop working for some people for whatever reasons. Let's geant that can happen. But to claim this as any kind of evidence of high consciousness is wrong. I am sick of spirutual people parroting that Ram Dass LSD story, as if it means anything. It means nothing. And whatever lack of effect psychedelics have on a person means nothing. Someone could claim meditation has no effect on them. And it means nothing.
  8. Spiritual teachers are part of a dream. Spiritual teachers are a relative human notion. Eventually you transcend it. You can become so conscious that you realize you invented all spiritual teachers as part of a hallucination to keep yourself alseep.
  9. Like I said, we are dreaming. It contradicts the dreaming. That's not a mistake. You are attempting to understand something beyond the dream from within a dream using socialization. If solipsism is true then you cannot discover it through socializing -- which is what this entire forum is. So the truth being discussed is incompatible with the entire social domain. And when I say we are dreaming, I mean I am dreaming a we because I do not want to be alone. If I wanted to be alone I would just kill myself and be with God. If you really understood solpsism it would threaten your whole life. Which is why no one understands it. You don't want to go that deep.
  10. What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty. Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it! What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it. But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit. Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated. The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE. When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion. If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this. Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.
  11. The Infinity of Gods is such an advanced consciousness that it can hardly be discussed. Once your solipsism becomes so total, so deep, the soverignty of your Mind becomes so absolute, you realize that there can be an infinity number of copies of yourself, but you cannot ever access them because it interferes with your own Mind's soveriengty. So you are left with a profound solipsistic not-knowing. The not-knowing of other sovereign Minds. But also, the possibility then opens of somehow knowing them, but you don't know how. If feels like you are on the very edge of Infinity as it sruggles to break out into yet higher Infinities. This process is so staggering that you cannot make sense of it even as you are in it. Infinity is finding new Infinities within itself. And of course, and new Infitities it finds are recognized as being yourself, but this recogniztion happens across time. So first you recognize it as other, then you recognize it as yourself, and so on it goes. God is forever discovering higher dimensions of itself. That's what it really means to be Infinite. As soon as God grasps itself there opens up new possibilities for even higher grasping. As advanced as the realization of solpsism is, there exists something is more advanced which is beyond nonduality and any kind of human comprehension of spirituality.
  12. Everything! I don't discriminate. Most of the stuff I contemplate is survival stuff. There is a lot of profound insight to be had there, and decades-worth of stuff to contemplate. Contemplate whatever you're interested in.
  13. @UpperMaster You can do work for 8hrs a day, and then contemplate reality for 1hr per day. In fact, this make for a great combo. After 8hrs of mindless work, I can get in my car, drive into the desert for an hour, and contemplate reality. This is actually the most enjoyable way to structure my day. Just sitting around contemplating all day long is not ideal for me. I find contemplation works best in sporadic bursts, not as a fulltime job.
  14. Of course. The purpose of survival is to create an elaborate distraction from truthseeking. Of course. When I was 18 years old I sat in my bed reading Plato or some Greek philosopher and contemplating the question: How can I design my life so that could be free to do philosophy? Obviously the only reason people like Plato could do philosophy is because he was rich and well off. So I started thinking: How can I become rich and well off so that I have free time? Yes, all the techniques we talk about. And just basically, philosophy. Those techniques are tools that serve your philosophical goals. You can always be contemplating stuff every day, especially during times like driving, shower, cooking, etc. If you're serious about philosophy you do it every day. Your mind is contemplating every free chance it has. As Ralston says, contemplation 24/7. Of course I recommend also taking breaks so your mind refreshes. It's actually perfect to combine frequent and intense contemplation with totally mindless activity like dancing at the nightclub or singing in your car.
  15. You need to do some compartmentalization. There needs to be two parts to your life: 1) work, survival, being human, social life, 2) existential truthseeking. You must master both parts, not merely one. When you are doing work, being human, socializing, surviving, remind yourself that that is not about truth. That's a kind of game you are playing, and you can enjoy playing it. But then there is time when you set aside the game and get to serious work on truthseeking. As your truthseeking matures you will start to merge truth back into your human life and the gap between the two will lessen. Yes, truthseeking is very intellectually stressful. No way around that since most human activity is built on lies and illusions. There is much to intellectually understand about truth. Don't let yourself be gaslit about that. You can perform well at school and work by compartmentalizing them as relative human activities. You don't need to know much about truth to play a video game. And school and work are like that. The reason you do school and work is to master survival and to get a basic foundation for human life. This is valuable to do regardless of whether it is truthful or not. There is always a tradeoff between comfort and achievement. You just gotta get clear about which you value more and to what degree, and live your life accordingly. Ambitious people sacrifice comfort for achievement. The achievement can bring more joy than comfort. But some degree of comfort is also needed. No doubt, being an asleep bullshitting lazy human is comfortable.
  16. Never. Psychedelics are too profound for such a trivial purpose.
  17. If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity. Humanity doesn't really exist. It's a construct. This includes all individual humans. It's really relative to your level of consciousness. So-called enlightened people have such low levels of consciousness that most of them don't realize that they are imagining humans. The higher your consciousness goes the more you realize that everything outside of you is imaginary, because you have no outside and there is nothing but you. But unraveling this illusion takes serious brains and balls. Because any attachment or loyalty you have to humanity will hold you back. Humans are not really ready for such consciousness. And don't surprised if it blackpills you. You are just a human and everything human must ultimately be bullshit, including all humans themselves. Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yourself asleep. You are constantly spinning a dream. That's what all this is. And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone. I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.
  18. Nonsense. No amount of meditation equals psychedelic consciousness. These guys are nowhere as conscious as psychedelics make me. And no amount of talk will ever change that. If you can walk straight and talk straight that proves you aren't very conscious. Just because psychedelics stop working on you is not proof of anything profound. And it certainly isn't proof of high consciousness or that you have maxed consciousness out. Thinking that is a prime example of the kind of shallow mindlessness that nondualists are gulity of and why all forms of human spirituality are rat level.
  19. I didn't steal that from him. I've been saying that for a long time. It's a cliche.
  20. 1) By recognizing that your resentment is just an egoic reaction to having been rejected. But no one woman owes you a date. Women are picky just like you are picky about women. Women are not horrible nor unfair to you, they just don't find you as attractive as you would like. And that's life. 2) By recognizing that you must treat each woman as an individual. If other women rejected you that has zero relation to the woman who likes you. Take the win. 3) By being more social and developing some sexual abundance. You are bitter because you are not having sex. If you were having sex you wouls stop being bitter. So the ultimate solution is to increase your dating life. 4) Many women who rejected you might have loved you if you learned proper game and how to communicate properly with them. So learn game.