Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Ironically, this post is gaslighting. There is no cult here other than the cult you wish to see. Yes, question your self. What else do you expect a spiritual teacher to say? This work has nothing to do with me. What Leo says or does is completely irrelevant. Stop making it about me. Simple. Do the work and make progress.
  2. Nothing but consistency itself. Consistency is a just a slow rate of change as opposed to a rapid rate of change. And also a certain sense of order to the change. That's also imaginary. All that data is here, so to speak, and it needs no cause. You imagine data behind the scenes because you are unwilling to accept that the present moment is uncaused and absolute. If you deny uncausality, then you must forever go about hunting for and imagining hidden causes.
  3. I am suggesting that basically all awakened teachers are still in limited states of consciousness which maintain their mind's structure for the purposes of survival. You don't fully appreciate what consciousness is unless you've been in state where you cannot even remember your name. All memory is obviously a limitation of consciousness. I've been in states where I can access the memories of every being in the universe. Since memory is just imagination. You are not really remembering your name, you are imagining it. To function in this material plane you must be limited.
  4. It's worse than you think. You're imagining others, period.
  5. Lol. Of course you are. Direct experience IS imagination. Your mind is the world. That's precisely the point.
  6. Obvious you are not limited to any simplistic category. These categories are relative and no more than rules of thumb.
  7. Could there not be? You'll have to spend decades breaking down that character. Awakening will not do that for you. Structure of the mind remain even after awakening, otherwise you'd be dead. If you can still remember your name, obviously old structures of the mind remain.
  8. Every physical object is imaginary. There is nothing which is not imaginary. You are inside of a hallucination and there can be no reality other than hallucination. If you think, "But that thing there isn't a hallucination!" << that's your hallucination!
  9. They aren't the only way. But for most people, they will never access awakening otherwise. Psychedelics will save the average person decades of tail-chasing and listening to the empty words of gurus.
  10. @r0ckyreed You will need to change your state of consciousness. Even if you experience all the other bubbles, they will still be inside your bubble and imagination. Be careful not to confuse your currented limited state of consciousness for the limits of consciousness itself. This is where smoking some DMT would be helpful.
  11. Locking something in is completely irrelevant to truth. Truth is the point. Truth is the case regardless of how long it lasts. 3 seconds or a life time. Even when you "lock it in", that is still not permanent, since the body/mind will die and you will cycle back into unenlightenment.
  12. But have you realized you are God? It's way more radical than solipsism.
  13. @toocrazytobecrazy Your mind is incapable of imagining Infinity. Not from your current state of consciousness. Anything you imagine will not even be 1% close.
  14. @Meister_Eckhart Drop coventional answers and look at what is true. What is true???!!! Seriously! Stop fucking around. Locate truth in your experience. Does truth exist? If so, where is it found? Don't speculate. Find it!
  15. Sounds like a crock of bullshit to me. But, hey, I could be wrong.
  16. @RedLine Forget Buddhism. It's just words. Focus your attention on pursuing truth directly, via no human words. You are wasting your time in intellectual delusions. All human words are bullshit.
  17. Of course. You misunderstand Buddhism and the Buddha.
  18. Dr Amen is really good at brain injury cases: https://www.amenclinics.com And you should research Neurofeedback brain training which can restore lost brain function.
  19. @Someone here You can say those words, but do you really have deep experience of how knowledge functions? Be careful just parroting things you heard some other human say. It is not enough to talk math. You must do math to understand it.
  20. In a sense, yes. Of course every finite experience is infinitely complex. It's not just complex, it's infinitely complex. And yet it's still finite. Obviously not. There is an infinite amount of formed experiences which I have never and will never experience. That is not necessary. I don't need to experience every dog in the universe to understand what a dog is. I can grok dog as an abstraction in one fell swoop. The highest levels of truth are pure abstractions.
  21. And that will always be a trap that I will have to point out until I'm dead. It would be best if you just learned this lesson right now and forever.
  22. Careful This is just a belief. You have no idea what is accurate and what is inaccurate. I've personally verified inaccuracies in his books. It goes against all our work here to blindly believe some dude just because he claims to channel "source". The vast majority of his books are pure hearsay as far as you're concerned.