Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Well, all I can tell you is that you obviously have attachments on this whole issue. That's the elephant in the room which you are always trying to dance your way around. Until you confront that on your own we can't really have a meaningful conversation. I understand this sounds unfair to you, but what else can I say?
  2. I think it is more accurate to say that they moved there because their Bible says it is their place, and they follow that regardless of any consequence to themselves or others. That's the crux of the issue. They don't care if it's dangerous because they believe it is their identity.
  3. Netanyahu's political captial is not in America, it is in Israel. And for average Israeli's terrorism and violence is a palpable threat unlike in America. They hear rocket sirens regularly. Americans have no idea what that is like. So the Iaraeli public is extra easily manipulated by terrorism, even moreso than Americans.
  4. Because there are political limits to what the right-wing can get away with. They are opportunists. Similar to the American Christian fanatics. They exploit any opportunity that rises. If a terrorism attack arises, they use it to push their agenda while the public is emotionally dazed. If Trump comes to power, the right-wing opportunistically tries to use him to do their bidding. This is the shamelessness of their ways. A right-wing Zionist or Christian would sign a contract with Satan if Satan only told them that he would advance their Biblical agenda. This is how stage Blue operates. Netanyahu did not have the political capital to just invade Gaza. But he created it for himself by inflamming Hamas and drowning out Palestinian moderates.
  5. I define Mind as Absolute and One. It is everything, not just form or content. In the way I speak, Mind is identical to Consciousness. Mind is not some layer you transcend, Mind is the whole shebang. I take very literally the Heart Sutra teaching: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form." I make no special place for emptiness as many here love to do. Emptiness is NOT above form! If you think it is, you missed the Heart Sutra teaching. And no, I don't just accept "many different onions". One Onion dreaming of onions.
  6. Their policy has always been to take more land and to eliminate any moderate Palestinian leaders who would lead toward a peace deal. This has been Netanyahu's policy for all the time he's been in office. And this is why he was reelected so many times. All of this is a matter of public record from his own mouth. So it's not like I have to divine his policy. He is clear about it and clear about his reasoning: "Children of light, children of darkness." All you gotta do is take him at his words. It's not some great conspiracy.
  7. On the internet, memes are more real than reality.
  8. I have heard enough Israeli propagandists all over the news. Their bias is so strong it's commical to watch them talk. And it's obvious that these propagandists represent how the core of the Israeli government thinks. Right now, Israel is flooding the media with their propaganda. Paying people off, threatening people, twisting arms, bullshitting their way through this whole situation. It's clear as day to me because I have no horse in this race. I just observe it from the sidelines. Israel is engaged in lying, deception, and emotional manipulation. And the reason they do it so shamelessly is because they really brainwashed themselves into believing their are God's "children of light." That's the crux of this whole thing. When you brainwash people into taking the Jewish identity so seriously, this is the end result.
  9. But you've done hundreds of trips already so clearly that isn't the solution. It's not like you're new to psychedelics. Sorry to say, but I don't think you will be able to expedite this. Seems to me, the more you look for ways to expedite it, the longer it will take. I think you are fundamentally resisting a sober life, for whatever complex psychological reasons.
  10. No, she's bluepilling you. I am blackpilling you.
  11. David Goggins feels like a meme.
  12. Obviously this war was never necessary to get hostages back. The war was the goal. The hostages are mostly just an obstacle to waging the war and ethnic cleansing that the right-wing has wanted for 80 years. The reason it's impossible to deal with the right-wing Zionists is that no matter what, they desire to ethnically cleanse the land and take it for themselves. They literally want land instead of peace because they are so pig-headed they believe they are righteous and godly. Such people cannot reach compromise and are willing to sacrifice their own kind for their religous nationalist mission. They just use the hostages as a tool to get the domination they desire. The situation parallell's the Bush admininstration after 9/11. They wanted to invade Iraq with or without 9/11. 9/11 was just a tool for them to do what was in their heart all along. These ideologues are shameless and will use cheap emotional manipulation that comes from terrorism, terrorism which their own thinking, policies, and actions created in the first place.
  13. You need to take a long break from all chemicals. Just chill back and learn to operate sober.
  14. I don't focus on that much. But it's possible. Just depends on whether your mind leans in that direction. Insanity and the like.
  15. You guys really don't understand Ralston, so silence would be wise of you.
  16. The one thing that works everywhere is to be highly social and build up a social life. The reason you're not getting girls is because you have no social life. A social life is a thing that needs to built with skill. It can be built in various ways depending on time, place, and culture. There are coaches who can teach you the skills for building a social life. Never tell a girl you love her until you've slept with her many times. A girl needs plenty of time and space before she gets invested in you.
  17. I am. The difference is that I know what exists beyond the human while most humans don't. Other than that I am no better than a human.
  18. One of my pickup friends travels to Coachea and EDC every year just to collect like 100 phone numbers. Then he flies the girls out to sleep with him. The problem with hitting on staff is that if you are a local and visit that place regularly you don't want to burn through them and develop a bad reputation. I never hit on staff at places I'm a regular at. Besides, it's so cliche. It's better to keep a low profile than being "that creepy resident pickup guy".
  19. Mostly not. The negative stuff that usually comes up for me is not personal but existential in nature.
  20. Consider this: God uses love to manipulate humans, like a carrot on a stick tied to a donkey. God lets you feel a little love for food, for sex, for your children. Why? Because otherwise you wouldn't eat and you wouldn't reproduce and you would abandon your children and mankind would die. But God holds back the really serious love for himself because humans cannot bear it. Humans are like rats chasing bits of cheese while God is an infinite ball of cheese. Dropping that much cheese on a little rat would crush its little bones.
  21. "Humans" "are" somewhere in the grey middle.
  22. That's his role, to keep you in the human dream. He plays it masterfully.
  23. It really depends on who is holding it. There's no such thing as "Buddhism", there are people who hold various ideas, some of which they call Buddhist. There is a huge range of quality in Buddhism. From totally clueless to quite consciousness, and mostly somewhere in between. You really need to evaluate on a person by person basis to get any kind of accuracy. Keep in mind that most Buddhists don't even understand Buddhism.