Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I'm not going to explain that to you. Go figure out what is true.
  2. What you're not grasping is INFINITE LOVE! When you look at a toilet and you know it is LOVE.
  3. What am I supposed to say? You are not God? I am being as plain as can be.
  4. It's not about non-existence, it's about consciousness of how you create your reality. Are you aware of your own constructions?
  5. I don't see any bird. Do you?
  6. The point of God-Realization is that you do falsify it by realizing that YOU ARE GOD. You take what I said as some kind of intellectual conceptual finite speculative endeavor. It is nothing of the sort. You clearly don't yet understand what an Absolutely Soverign Mind is. What that entails and why. It has nothing to do with falsification of any theory. Who here really understands what YOU ARE GOD entails? Anyone?
  7. Giving you a taste of your own medicine What is the point of spiritual teachings if I can't use them against you?
  8. So you agree solipsism is true. Okay, thanks for making my life easy. I knew someone would get it eventually.
  9. There are many Navy Seals who don't turn themselves into memes. So clearly I am not speaking to the Navy Seal part.
  10. No! That is NOT what I am talking about. Seeing Hitler's humaniry is NOT any kind of understanding of metaphysical love. No! What I said has nothing to do with embodiment. You really just don't understand it. Nevermind embodiment. You cannot embody something you don't even understand. Hearing me say it is not you understanding it. Sorry, but this point is crucial to make. I don't mean to pick on you.
  11. @Javfly33 Riddle me this, when Ramana Maharshi was asked, "What about other?" and he said, "There is no other." Was he just being cute, you think? Just what do you think "No other" means?!
  12. If you do any kind of existential or philosophical or skeptical inquiry and you don't stumble upon the possibility of solipsism all on your own, you are a shitty philosopher. I was inquirying into solipsism back when I was 20 years old. No one had to foist it upon me. It's quiet obvious that the most efficient and ingenius way to design reality would be if all of it was just you. This would perfectly explain everything. The only problem is that it would seriously fuck with your mind.
  13. Maybe that's not a bug but a feature. Maybe that's because you are the center of the universe. Don't act so humble than you overlook the obviousness of You.
  14. Maybe the reason you can't falsify a thing is because it's absolutely true. Go, falsify solipsism. I dare you. See how far you get.
  15. You are treating what I said as knowledge or conceptual understanding, but it goes way beyond that. You do not yet really understand what metaphysical love is. It is not about kindness towards others. Ralston doesn't even understand what I said. I am not saying I am the only one who undestands it. But if you think you understand it, I would caution you to think twice. If you really understood it you wouldn't say it was easy. And you would appreciate how few people understand it.
  16. Except there still is a difference, otherwise he wouldn't wear his wig.
  17. You have chosen your loyalty to the human and I have chosen mine to something else.
  18. The mainstream is pro-Israel and bought out by Israel and infilitrated by Israeli intelligence. Yes, however time and era is a big factor. Israel's problem is that it is attempting to do things which are 100 years out of fashion. Hamas has no power over US media or politicians. The double-standard in America is squarely in favor of Israel. This is part of the problem. Israel has corrupted America away from serving its proper role as unbiased mediator. Israel doesn't want the US to act honestly and objectively towards this whole situation. Israel wants double-standards however it can get them. Which is fundamentally why I cannot support them.
  19. Yes. Although Ken Wilber still goes on dates and chases after earthly love, so it's not like he's above those bits of cheese. Nothing wrong with that. Just keepin it real.
  20. Animal Well comes to mind: And Rain World:
  21. Yeah, I seen those. Pixel art is a hell of a niche.
  22. If your girlfriend isn't horny for solipsism you got the wrong girl
  23. Well, all I can tell you is that you obviously have attachments on this whole issue. That's the elephant in the room which you are always trying to dance your way around. Until you confront that on your own we can't really have a meaningful conversation. I understand this sounds unfair to you, but what else can I say?
  24. I think it is more accurate to say that they moved there because their Bible says it is their place, and they follow that regardless of any consequence to themselves or others. That's the crux of the issue. They don't care if it's dangerous because they believe it is their identity.