Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Haha. Okay, whatever you gotta tell yourself.
  2. @bambi Look man, you're really talking to the wrong people about this. If you're serious, go talk to Ralston. But this online pissing contest is not productive.
  3. No human can be in that level of consciousness 24/7. You would surely die because it would be hard just to walk and find food.
  4. I'm no expert in martial arts. But my guess is yes. Of course the rules of the combat have to be established. I don't know if they fought by similar rules.
  5. In other words, identity. And that's why there is no peace. It is ironic how many people are bombed in the name of the Bible.
  6. When I write my book, only the people who read it will be God's children
  7. No current Jew would know about or care about that land if not for the Bible and its cultural import. Do you care about the land of your great granddaddy from 2000 years ago? No. Only if its in the Bible. A lot of land has changed hands in 2000 years and its water under the bridge unless you make a concerted effort to pump some epic meaning into it.
  8. He tested it in his time and beat everyone. What else do you want? His apprentices do not have his insane level of consciousness, so they won't be very good.
  9. Ralston laughs at karate. He says its bullshit. Ralston does not use any human-invented martial art. That's the genius of his work.
  10. "The water's fine", said the crocodile
  11. One time I become so conscious that I realized that I wrote every book in the world. That's what I mean when I say, Are you aware of your constructions? I'll leave this at that.
  12. Every sport advances as people build on and exploit past work. What is amazing about Ralston's success is that it wasn't grounded in physical technique, it was grounded in a new way of percieving and understanding reality. New insights which no human has ever had. Whether he is the strongest guy in the world is beside the point. You could also crush him with a bulldozer. But that doesn't detract from his understanding of combat. There are some things you can only achieve through brute force and other things only through new kinds of consciousness.
  13. That is a heavy irony I must live with every day.
  14. I submit that if not for the Bible, no Jew would care about that land. The Bible's cultural impact is monumental.
  15. Luckily I have 100hrs of videos explaining every nuance of it.
  16. That's right. Take a decade to think about it.
  17. I don't like that, it's too indirect.
  18. I'm not going to explain that to you. Go figure out what is true.
  19. What you're not grasping is INFINITE LOVE! When you look at a toilet and you know it is LOVE.
  20. What am I supposed to say? You are not God? I am being as plain as can be.
  21. It's not about non-existence, it's about consciousness of how you create your reality. Are you aware of your own constructions?
  22. I don't see any bird. Do you?
  23. The point of God-Realization is that you do falsify it by realizing that YOU ARE GOD. You take what I said as some kind of intellectual conceptual finite speculative endeavor. It is nothing of the sort. You clearly don't yet understand what an Absolutely Soverign Mind is. What that entails and why. It has nothing to do with falsification of any theory. Who here really understands what YOU ARE GOD entails? Anyone?
  24. Giving you a taste of your own medicine What is the point of spiritual teachings if I can't use them against you?