Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. ALA is not a supplement you should ever take unless you are doing a strict detox protocol. ALA will shift heavy metals around in your body and make things worse if you take it as a supplement.
  2. Can you imagine showing this to a group of rednecks in Kansas? They would think these guys are doing a terrorist chant to summon the ghost of Bin Laden.
  3. Hahaha... you clearly don't know die-hard fundamentalists.
  4. @Ook Truth, but that's just me.
  5. Sometimes Green does go too far. But in many ways Orange does not go far enough. Green likes to go too far on social and cultural issues. Orange likes to not go far enough on economic issues. Don't forget, Bill Maher is a Boomer. You can't expect too much from him. He's not gonna be a foaming at the mouth socialist. For a Boomer he's doing all right.
  6. Every decision in life comes with risks. Strategy is about making wise decisions with imperfect knowledge and no guarantees of success. You are exhibiting poor strategy, which could end up killing millions of people. Which is why people like you should not occupy positions of power and responsibility.
  7. All religions are pointing to a deeper truth, but they are all full of dogma, limitations, bias, and corruption. Only a fool takes religious teachings literally.
  8. But it's not the same compound. It's not the same purity. And there are many more synthetic chems than anything natural. All this makes synthetics better. They are more precise, clean, and potent.
  9. So Kermit is a communist? I wanna smoke him
  10. @Rasheed Very good! That's sounds like a solid plan. The rest is just execution. Start reading books and researching online for courses, programs, trainings, seminars, etc. You will figure it out. You've got plenty of time. You don't need to have all the answers given to you right now. You will figure out all the technical details along the way. What's most important is that you have a clear direction in mind and that you chip away at it every day for months and years. Spend a couple of years just doing a bunch of online research about business and entrepreneurship. Sign up to some business magazines and slowly, every month you will get new ideas.
  11. Credit to Peter Ralston In a sense, yes. Although to truly ace life you need to become enlightened. Don't get me wrong, your life can become a lot better if you are stuck in depression. You don't have to keep being depressed forever. Many severe negative emotional states you can learn to outgrow and just drop. In this way your life will feel much better.
  12. @Barbara I have discussed it in the past on my blog. Nothing new to report yet.
  13. Ah... the smell of beautiful, powerful clean coal in the morning. The fuel of champions
  14. This is downright stupid. You should not be doing research chems at all with this attitude. You must test everything carefully and slowly. Like your life depends on it. Because it does.
  15. @machii Synthetics blow natural psychedelics out of the water. They just gotta be sourced right and properly labeled.
  16. I wouldn't hope on life getting easier. If you are growing properly, life will always present you with greater and greater challenges. Life becomes less dysfunctional though, and less about raw survival and the associated negative emotions. If you become financially independent and secure thanks to your LP, that does take a huge survival load off your shoulders. But life can still be hard. 2020 was one of the hardest years of my life thanks to unforeseen health problems. No amount of success or money or even spiritual work will save you when you have the right kind of health problem. Generally speaking though, life is a hamster running endlessly in a wheel until it dies of exhaustion. You are the hamster, and no matter how much success you achieve you ultimately get nowhere. Because there's nowhere else to be. This is one of the biggest things spirituality teaches you. Be. Here. Now. This. Is. It. If you can't be happy now, you never will be.
  17. If we don't the global economy will be dead for a decade to come. Vaccine is the only thing that will save the economy at this point. You can cry all you want about the dangers of vaccines, but consider the dangers of a 10-year global Great Depression with 30% unemployment and 50% of businesses closed forever. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
  18. "Only the hand that erases can write the true thing." — Meister Eckhart
  19. No other way, brother. This game involves some risk. If you can't handle the fire, get out of the kitchen. If it is 5-MeO-MIPT or 5-MeO-DALT or something similar in the 5-MeO category, you will generally have a profound experience and it will not harm you. The only real danger with research chems is if they send you something totally not a tryptamine. And usually the only reason that would happen is if they make a serious mistake in labeling. No tryptamine is gonna kill ya. Worst you'll get is a bad trip. I would stay away from 5-MeO-DPT though, it's a nasty one.
  20. Research chems are a grey area. There's no solid rules about it. Depends on which chem and which state you're in.
  21. Nope I found plenty better. Nope
  22. Sticking psychedelics up your butt is always worth it Usually rectal psychedelics are faster and more potent than oral. The potency of psychedelic administration routes is like this: IV > vape/smoke > snort > rectal > oral
  23. Your problem is not what you think it is. The trick with serious personal development is that you must resolve problems at new levels of consciousness, not within the same old paradigms. Here's your real problem: you've selected a zero-sum career. Your success essentially requires stealing money from others and having them lose money. Your career entirely hinges on competition, so of course you will be fearful of being out-competed because that's exactly what happens in a competition paradigm. There is always someone better than you who will eat your lunch. Always. You're playing a game you can't really win, and that's not satisfying. And naturally it comes with fear of being beaten. Because you will be. The solution here is radical: change your entire entire paradigm to non-zero-sum. Make your career about creativity and value-generation rather than leeching value from other humans. This way you will have little to fear because your success will only be limited by personal creative effort and energy. I've done business in the zero-sum competitive paradigm before and it sucks compared to the non-zero-sum creative paradigm. Do you see what I mean about solving problems at new levels of consciousness? The problem is always deeper and more meta than you first imagine. You are lucky to have the success you'd had thus far. I would save up money and plan a transition to a truly creative and value-offering career. Not just a career but a life purpose. You have no idea how much of your creative potential and intelligence you are wasting on leeching money from other humans. You could be doing so much more with your life. But of course, you're afraid to move on. << That's where the true fear of failure and success arises. Not in playing poker better, but in moving on to something truly creative beyond poker. Something that will demand much more of your heart and soul. When you die, on your tombstone do you want it to be written: "This guy spent his whole life clicking on an LCD screen to leech money from others because he was too sacred to do something truly creative and profound with his life." One of the core Buddhist precepts is "right livelihood". Using meditation and yoga to leech money from others is a perversion of these holy practices. Think about it. If you're serious about growing in this area, take my Life Purpose Course which explains all this and much more in great detail.
  24. That will reveal their lack of understanding of Spiral Dynamics. So let's see the quality of what people post. If people are mostly posting unhealthy toxic cartoonish stuff, then they're failing the test.