Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Have you noticed that the wisest sages and humans mostly keep to themselves. They don't particularly hate mankind, but they keep a distance from the human zoo.
  2. @Karmadhi Okay, so then why shouldn't I vote for Hitler? He's just the man for the job, eh?
  3. That's because your mind doesn't work like mine. While you are busy worrying about loving humanity I am busy exploring Alien Love, of which you know nothing.
  4. @bambi In my highest states of consciousness humanity doesn't even exist.
  5. All that varies wildly from person to person.
  6. That's a toxic sort of person. I have a video called Toxic Life Purpose where I talk about various forms of toxic purposes. Hitler is a great example of a toxic life purpose. But if you get joy out of genociding others, what can I tell you? My teachings are not for such people.
  7. Trump is not bad because Leo says. Trump is bad because you would be a fool to trust him to handle your money or your children, or really anything. If you actually had Trump as your personal friend you would hate him because of how selfishly he would treat you. But yet you're cool with letting him run your country. If you knew Trump personally, he would fuck you over. If that's not obvious to you, you are not doing consciousness work.
  8. Maybe it's not disdain but just the nature of humanity. Why should humanity be held in high regard? Where is this written? Isn't it obvious that humans are extremely ignorant? Then why worship humanity? It's not that I hate humanity, it's just that I am not particularly loyal to it because it is not loyal to truth. I am do not resonate with a spirituality that kisses humanity's ass. This is obviously self-serving and self-absorbed. Humanity blowing smoke up its own ass. Well, I'm not interested in that game. If anything psychedelics help reveal that.
  9. @A Fellow Lighter That's correct but then what I'd also tell you is to not overlook the pure motionless emptiness aspect of Consciousness.
  10. You don't have to help people, but tying your work with contributing positively to society is a sure way to create meaningful work. If you are not contributing positively to society in some way, what are you doing on this planet?
  11. Sure Various chelating chemicals as you mention above. You can look up stats on which chelator is best for lead. I forget. As the theory goes, if you remove lead from your body then it gets redistributed out of the brain into the body, and in this way many rounds of chelation ultimately clean up the brain. But who know how true that is in practice.
  12. Prostitutes are low consciousness people and hang around other low consciousness people. So they can scam you, drug you, and worse. You are engaging in business with criminals, which is always dicey.
  13. Confidence comes from experience. So all you have to do is subject yourself to massive experience and be patient.
  14. Any psychedelic can do the trick. Just depends on you.
  15. Everything is Consciousness. But Consciousness is not limited to the forms that arise within it. Motion arises within Consciousness and is a function of it dreaming.
  16. To appreciate Ralston you have to attend his live workshops. Reading books is not enough. The reason I don't explain it is that those who are unwilling to invest the time and money into a workshop will not get much out of him. So I don't want to waste my time.
  17. It just means that you a so grounded in your sense of who you are and what reality is that you are non-reactive to the opinions and judgments of others. It's about not using other people to define your reality. Its opposite would be approval-seeking, caring what everyone thinks of you, bending over backwards to please people, and inability to assert yourself. Basically frame is confidence.
  18. Sigh... Hitler was anti-establishment too.
  19. You create meaning by finding a task that feels worthwhile to you. What things are worth doing and why?
  20. Sounds like he just had poor health. But who can tell? I don't think his health was robust prior to being arrested.
  21. It is tricky to approach a table of girls during the day. Takes a lot of skill to pull that off. I don't recommend it for newbies. Although when I first got into game my wingman would go around popular evening restaurants in town which had sort of outdoorish seating and he would walk up and charm up entire tables of girls. So that is possible, but again, I am not good at that sort of thing so I can't really teach you how to do it. The key to learning game is to find locations where you can get in a lot of practice with little consequence because you will be failing a lot in the beginning. You need to find a sort of training ground.
  22. Cause you Europeans are Green pussies. A real man bombs his neighbors and asks questions later.