Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. This is not a point in your favor, it is a point against you. When are you guys gonna learn that all the stuff you've heard of, all the stuff that is most popular and well-known, is not the best, it's merely what the ignorant masses think is best because they are too lazy to actually seek out the best. The most advanced humans in the world no one has ever heard of.
  2. I just finished listening to that and was gonna share it. It's a surprising deep discussion.
  3. @Past-Philosopher-562 I suggest you invest less time theorizing about it and more time actually gaining new experience and gaining confidence is particular areas of relevence to you. You can theorize about it afterwards.
  4. Inflation would have happened under any president. Inflation happened all across the world and Europe got it worse than the US. Blaming this on Biden and thinking that Trump would have somehow magically fixed it is just an absurd form of cope. There is nothing Trump would have done, or will do to ease inflation. And mistakes or problems under Biden, Trump will make them bigger and worse. Gaza will be worse. Taxes will be worse. Immigration will be worse. Free speech will be worse. Healthcare will be worse. Envirnment will be worse. Infrastructure will be worse. Foreign policy will be worse. Courts will be worse. Justice system will be worse. Diplomacy will be worse. Market crashes will be worse. Inflation will be worse. Corruption will be worse. Green forms of Christianity exist. Be careful not to oversimplfy religion to just Blue.
  5. That's particular to you. Come up is highly enjoyable for me.
  6. That is because I optimized my early work for search. I was an SEO master. But I stopped doing that long ago.
  7. @bammy32 I think he's fallen hard into the issue of audience capture, similar to Jimmy Dore. Once you start playing a successful YT character then that character could become the real you. If you play the dancing monkey for strangers long enough eventually you will become the dancing monkey that at first was just your shtick. And remember, nobody is a solid Spiral color. People live and express across multiple stages.
  8. Then you shouldn't be reading books.
  9. You made this thread but didn't even watch the video?
  10. That's actually an amazing story. I did the 100 questions exercise from my Life Purpose Course, where you write down your top 100 questions you want answers to most badly. My #1 question was: What is consciousness? So the next day I went to Amazon and typed in What is consciousness? and Ralston's book was the first to appear. And as soon as I saw its title I immediately knew this was the most serious book on this topic. And so it was. That is the power of asking good questions.
  11. Nothing wrong with going to a strip club. In fact you should do it more often just to practice talking to hot girls.
  12. Of course not everything about progressivism is stupid. It has to be approached intelligently, with a certain sense of proportion. Certain progressive ideas are good and important, but it's also about being aware of how best to get others onboard with those ideas, rather than just moralize at them with pipe-dreams.
  13. That is something you should contemplate and answer for yourself, not based on anyone's words.
  14. They are so idealistic that they would rather not vote for Biden than do what is practically needed. Precisely because they are brainwashed with moral idealism, utopianism, and progressivism. Progressivism is a mental cancer that makes people say and do stupid things in the name of social equality. None of these people is thinking deeply about how society works. They are pushing their utopian agenda because they don't understand the complexties of human behavior and they just naively want a nice world.
  15. The one thing that is lacking in all spiritual books is a dime-bag of 5-MeO-DMT.
  16. That is, until a unicorn stabs you in the ass. Then you have a rude Unicorn Awakening. A unicorn is not a belief, it is Consciousness.
  17. Yes Not particularly unique. All spiritual teachings have that personal dev component to some degree because all people gotta figure out how to live better. All religions teach you about God, but then they also teach you how best to live to align with God. Because you'll never find God if you live like a pig. What's unique about my work is the amount of practical stuff we interconnect with metaphysical stuff.
  18. Anyone great is just doing what he likes to do. Or, in other words, just exercising his God-given talents. That's what greatness is.
  19. @Inliytened1 I learned from dozens and even hundreds of sources, not one. Although Ralston was a juicy one. That interview was before I had my own awakenings.
  20. It is normal Green behavior. Because Green would rather virtue signal and act moral than do what is practical. Green hates Biden's neoliberalism even more than it hates Trump. Just look at Krystal Ball. She will vote against Biden.
  21. Russell is Green, but Green can get wacko. Remember, Green still falls into group-think and all sorts of silly ideas. He certain evolved relative to the sex-crazed heroin addict that he was. A lot of Green leftists are going to vote against Biden because they are that foolishly idealistic. Many progressives will vote against Biden simply because they hate neoliberals and centrist so much. Many of your fave YT progressives like Kyle Kuliniski, Krystal Ball, TYT, etc will vote against Biden. Green has brainwashed itself against neoliberalism. And then once Trump wins they will be raging for the next 5 years. Green is so idealistic it would rather Trump win so they could virtue signal than to just shut up and vote for Biden.
  22. A rat is God. But a cat is also God. And that is something to aspire to.
  23. My work didn't branch off from his. The reason I found him was because I was doing parallel work on my own and then recognized he was doing similar things to what I was interested in.
  24. Nope, that's not it. Ralston and I don't teach the same things.