Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. David spends a lot of time helping people for free. I share a cure with you and you go smearing its inventor like some kind of troll?
  2. He has expressed such ideas throughout his videos and on Twitter. I cannot compile all those statements for you. They are scattered across his work if you follow his content. Lex talks about love all the time in all his work. He is not talking about spiritual love, but a more limited understanding of love.
  3. For someone claiming such things you sure jump to conclusions about Lex.
  4. Not even close. Irsaeli propaganda and lobbying is 100x more influential in America. US media is overwhelming pro-Israeli. Israel is literally paying off journalists and influencers and recuriting them with Mossad. The only influence I see from the other side is Aljazeera, which has high quality reporting on the issue.
  5. You are making a huge leap to imply that Lex's primary impulse is material gain. He doesn't strike me as motivated by that much at all. He is already materially set for life. Again, material gain, fame, and power will seamlessly meld with one's ideals, worldview, and ideology such that they will become inseperable. Lex's worldview is that having these soft neutral civil conversations will help mankind come together, build bridges, and understand each other. That seems to be his life purpose. It's a nobel purpose, regardless of whether it will pan out or not. The only valid criticism I see here is that you can call him naive or overly idealistic. It's sad though to see Lex get shit on online by partisans when he talks about love, as if he's full of shit. When the online partisans behave like hyenas foaming at the mouth for blood.
  6. @Extreme Z7 Have you looked into Nasal Facial Release?
  7. @Extreme Z7 With that kind of attitude you might as well just lie in bed and never get up.
  8. It is perfectly legitmate to use rationality to point out limits within rationality. It is actually irrational to defend rationality by not allowing any rational critique of it. Any sufficiently self-reflexive system is able to see its own limits and criticize itself. This isn't a bad thing, this is a great thing. The problem with traditional rationality is that it defines itself too narrowly. Same problem as with science.
  9. Be careful assuming it has integrated them. Maybe it hasn't.
  10. @Joshe There is no contradiction between wanting peace and love and self-deception. Then again, who are you to dictate what is the best way to actualize peace and love? Maybe your pushback approach isn't as great as you tell yourself. Maybe Lex is actually wise not to push some SJW agenda on us. Lex likes to cozy up to famous, rich, and powerful people and befriend them. Obviously this will create conflicts of interest and blindspots for him. Basically anyone in Rogan's social circle gets compromised. That's how power and fame works. That's literally elitism in action, but these people tell themselves that they are independent and alternative so they are not elites -- but they are the new elites. All of Rogan's buddies are elites. It's an elite celebrity social circle where everyone scratches each others backs and rakes in millions. That's how elitism works. Lex had Thanksgiving Day dinner with Ivanka Trump's family. Which is cringe. But Lex is allowed to have his interview style. The only thing here that doesn't make sense is you demanding that Lex share your agenda.
  11. Palin was just commically stupid. She is probably the stupidest person is politics, next to Marjorie Taylor Greene.
  12. Mine was quite bad, 8/10 at its peak. At that level you start to have suicidal thoughts. But now I mostly cured it.
  13. No. But that could certainly be a cause for some people. Don't go to a club without earplugs.
  14. It did not come slowly. It was not caused by psychedelics.
  15. I thought Vance would rally Trump's base, but he mostly seems to get bad press for being awkward and scummy.
  16. Even so, that's still useful idiocy. Ideology and money are not opposite things, they are peanut butter and jelly in a survival sandwhich. Ideologues will happily take money to spread their ideology.
  17. It's highly useful for driving Jordan Peterson mad.
  18. 1) It's quite advanced relative to how the average human thinks. It's not advanced relative to something like nonduality or Spiral Wizardry. 2) PM is not a practical worldview for normies. PM is for intellectuals, not regular people. PM does not help normal people survive.
  19. Tinnitus Cure - Part 1: https://www.actualized.org/insights/tinnitus-cure-part-1 If you try this method, post your results here.
  20. I didn't say Dugin's plan was genius, I said his use of PM against PM was genius. In the end, Dugin is delusional and his plan to undo the Enlightenment will not work. Russia will continue to stagnate as the West grows.
  21. Of course it's just my opinion. This is such a silly topic that all I got are off-hand opinions. This doesn't contradict what I said. He does mild pushback at times, which doesn't contradict the Larry King style. I characterize him as such. It's funny that the Lex/Destiny clip you linked is the best proof of Lex trying to be centrist and neutral. Of course that doesn't mean being neutral on Jan 6th or Trump is intelligent. But Lex is the type of guy who would wanna be fair and neutral with Hitler, hear his side. Lex wants peace and love through civility and neutrality, and this galls leftists.
  22. I already gave my odds for Kamala at 60%. I will not feel any different. Because a monkey with a coin could predict this election.