Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You guys routinely get offended when I call people rats. But regardless, stop playing nondual games. You know the difference between you and a chimpanzee. Nothing you said addressed the facts I placed before you. Just vapid nondual platitudes which bypass and gaslight past the serious limits of your worldview. You are incapable of accounting for the consciousness of a humble chimpanzee, nevermind an alien.
  2. Just like you. If I called your mom a chimpanzee you would get offended. Separation.
  3. That would not be correct. Human connection and embodiment of love is an important form of spirituality. 1) There is no reason why both have to be equally focused on truth. Truth is a bias after all and masculine and feminine are also biases. 2) There are other ways to do spirituality than just seeking truth. 3) Certainly the intellectual way is also a bias and spirituality could be done in other ways. There's a lot more ways to do spirituality than people think.
  4. You won't reach Truth without surrender. So this is not unique to the feminine. The biggest thing I notice is that the feminine isn't interested in truth, it's interested in feeling and human connection instead. Because that's what's needed for raising children.
  5. An eagle is a majestic godly creature. If you are an eagle that is a high attainment.
  6. It equally implies that you can. Maybe your genetics are perfect for the task at hand? How do you know? You guys keep focusing on how genetics limits you, but you forget to notice how genetics enables everything you do. Never forget, you could have been born a cactus.
  7. We are talking about physics! You not being a kangaroo.
  8. Masculine will be focused on raw truth and cutting through all the bullshit and spiritual fantasy. More grounded and conservative. Feminine will be more about emotional connection and relating to others in a loving and nuturing way. More imaginative and liberal. Father vs Mother.
  9. That's exactly why I say genetics and not karma. Because once you spiritual folk get ahold of that karma word, you use it to invent fantasies of infinite possibilities. But the possibility of you becoming a kangaroo is closed, not open. And remember, you tried to explain the fact that you are not a kangroo with karma. So you are trying to avoid confronting the fact that many doors are closed for you. You want infinite freedom, and I am telling you you cannot have it. And that's what you really hate about all this. And also why it is worthwhile for me to say it to you. I'm grounding you. And you don't like it because you want to fly around in your self-serving fantasies.
  10. It doesn't matter what the chem is, I have always been sensitive to them.
  11. What does that have to do with this discussion? Did I say you cannot increase your happiness? Your human dream is materially finite. Sorry to rain on your parade. But then again, you already knew that. Next to an alien you are retarded. But again, this should be obvious to you.
  12. What you like to call karma I call genetics. So I could say to you: Why are you spiritual people blackpilling us with karma? How disempowering! How reductionistic!
  13. How do you know? Maybe self-improvement is just a fantasy.
  14. I have never claimed to trascend God. Nondualists and Buddhists make such claims.
  15. This is false in practice because most creatures on this planet do not have the hardware to access higher states of consciousness. The paradox is higher consciousness has certain material prerequisites. I don't know why it is that way, but it clearly is that way.
  16. That is a moot point because normal life conditions and genetics influence your ability to understand anything. I have no idea if you can or cannot understand Alien Consciousness. Best to keep an open mind about it because you don't know whether you can or can't, and it would be a shame to artificially limit yourself through negative thinking.
  17. God is Intelligence. So no way around that one. But keep in mind that most "smart" people are pretty dumb when it comes to matters of God. God's intelligence is something else. But then you could miss out on amazing stuff by your own lack of faith in yourself. You have no idea what you are capable of. You can realize Nothingness, but the God I speak of is something else. Again, I am not saying you need to fit human notions of "smart" to realize God. But you do need a certain intelligence to see through your own illusions, constructions, and self-deceptions. I am unsure how much of that is genetic vs acquired. Probably some combination.
  18. All advanced spiritual teachings will only be realized by a tiny percentage of students, for whatever reasons. No news there. If you were mentally retarded you could not make use of my teachings. But many of my teachings are quite simple and easy to understand and start to put into practice. Alien Consciousness -- I don't expect anyone to get that. But understanding how politics works is easy enough. No, I don't consider myself a genius. I'm fairly normal, with some above average intelligence, but not anything crazy. I do not have any special spiritual talents other than 1: an insane, superhuman sensitivity to psychedelics. Psychedelics do not work on anyone else as they work on me. What I can get from psychedelics no one else gets. And that's nothing I did, it's just my genetics. The first time I took 1 hit of weed I tripped for 12hrs. A trip so deep no one here would understand. A trip that renders all human enlightenment horseshit.
  19. No. My mind is not good at math. My mind is good at higher things.
  20. @Water by the River None of your spiritual rationalizations can explain the simple fact that a chimpanzee cannot do spirituality. You can quote spiritual texts all the day long, but at the end of it all a chimpanzee is still an chimpanzee. And the only reason you can parrot spiritual texts is because you happen to not be chimpanzee. But your awareness of this situation is not that much higher than that of a chimpanzee. So here we are. No amount of meditation will get a chimpanzee to realize God. Thems facts you have no answer for.
  21. What it means is that all human spirituality is childish nonsense. Humans keep trying to convince you that they understand God, or even transcended God. And they ain't.