Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The fact that anything at all exists is only possible thanks to trascendence/Infinity. You can't have anything physical unless a mind imagines it first.
  2. @What Am I Beware of spiritual fantasies.
  3. In a sense everything exists, but then it's just a matter of whether it materializes in your particular dream and under what conditions. Every finite object is filtered down from Infinity/Everythingness. Imagine Cat Infinity, which is a soup of every possible cat. And then the cat you see on the street is just one pulled from that soup. That's how it works.
  4. Kangaroos and pizzas is a good trip!
  5. You are correct in that qualia itself cannot decay. But your level or state of consciousness, and how conscious you are, can decay.
  6. What it means for those things to exist is that you are making a claim that they will reliably arise in your experience under certain conditions. Under certain conditions Paris will enter your experience. Under no conditions will a flat earth enter your experience unless maybe you enter a totally new dream.
  7. Conservative women are still feminine. Femininity is not about New Age beliefs. It can also exists with hardcore Stage Blue beliefs. And whether they have children or not is irrelevant. Women's minds are wired for children regardless of whether they ever have them.
  8. I once got a killer insight for a hot new fast-food chain: Dinosaur Bowls. Like Jurassic Park but you get to eat various dinosaurs that we clone back to life. Who doesn't want to know what a Pterodactyl tasted like? Could have been the tastiest meat ever. Dinosaur Pizza would be an instant best-seller.
  9. Camels are amazing so any pizza for them must be a winner. Cactus pizza is really outside the box thinking. But there have been some cool submissions in this thread. Looking forward to more.
  10. Those satellites fall to the sky all by themsleves. They have to be constantly replaced.
  11. The human experience is equally absolute. Absolute is not the black void, it is the whole picture. The butterfly is absolute. That's the key.
  12. That's my fave so far. Camel pizza
  13. Mostly the only requirement I found necessary for coaching was that the client be at least 25 years old. Coaching people younger than that doesn't work so well because they are still young enough to just need the basic maturity that comes naturally with age. Of course I wouldn't coach people dealing with serious mental disorders because addressing that require specialized theraputic training which I don't have and am not interested in. Coaching drug addicts is also not something I would be interested in, since they need much more basic help. The basic distinction for coaching vs therapy is functional vs dysfunctional. Coaching is not designed for dysfunctional people but functional people who want to do even better.
  14. That's right. I have developed a deep disdain for nondual teachings because of how badly they mischaracterize and mislead about the nature of consciousness. It's downright shameful and I wasted so much time trusting such people when in the end it turned out to be yet more human BS. But I am also sick of trying to explain it to you guys. Live with your human nonduality all you want. One of my biggest mistakes was trying to teach people who are not actually interested in serious learning. And trying to convince them of things. Arguing with nondualists or trying to teach them anything is the biggest waste of time.
  15. Hard work only works given a certain genetic foundation. Nothing I said means hard work isn't required. It is required, but by itself it not enough. No matter how hard a chimpanzee works it will not be able to do arithmetic. People use the notion of hard work to delude themselves about the reality of genetics. Because they just take genetics for granted. So it's worse than you think. You need both genetics and hard work.
  16. Your body is God. Don't look elsewhere.
  17. Pterodactyl pizza with cheesy crust.
  18. @Osaid You think you're saying something profound but you aren't.
  19. Yes, yes, and you cannot be in Paris. Impossible by nondual rat logic.
  20. But you CAN experience the consciousness of a chimpanzee. You just haven't. Doesn't mean you can't. God has no problem creating Chimpanzee consciousness. You are doing the old simplistic reduction of: Paris is just a concept. Yeah, it is. But you CAN visit Paris. I've been. You should try it sometime rather than regaling us with nondual vapitudes.
  21. It def doesn't not look like that. That is some high-fantasy hippie shit.
  22. @Holymoly Women tend not to focus on truth because it is counter-productive to handling the emotional needs of children. Obviously being completely delusional is harmful to survival, although you'd be surprised how far you can take it.
  23. The degree of that infinite black background on salvia is just terrifying. 5-MeO doesn't feel like that at all. It's much more forground than background. 5-MeO doesn't pull back the curtain in that specific way for me. 5-MeO is a different kind of Infinity.
  24. I don't base my understanding of Consciousness on any ancient stories, so I cannot speak to that. But see, even that is my bias. You could have spirituality which is all based in ancient stories. Of course that probably would do you much good, but there is a certain fantastical beauty to that kind of dreaming. Spirituality could be more around flexing your dream muscles vs just deconstructing all dreams. Buddhists have a bias towards deconstructing everything into nothingness, but they don't see their own bias. They have a bias against form and imagination. Frankly I don't have enough data on feminine spirituality to understand it well enough to criticize it or not. I would need to date more hot witch girlfriends to gather enough data. And its hard for me to put up with what I preceive as their spiritual BS.
  25. This pic is the best depiction of how salvia works for me. Almost literally this picture. Fucking salvia!