Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. David Hume or Charles Darwin are great examples of the intelligence of Orange relative to Blue. Be careful not to caricture Orange as merely some greedy guy on Wall Street sorting cocaine off a stripper's tits. That is not a deep understanding of Orange. Go read some David Hume or Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin.
  2. To some degree, but it goes way deeper than what he teaches.
  3. There are less women mystics because the feminine mind values relationship and feelings over truth. This is not some shit I made up. This is a core difference between the masculine and feminine. There are exceptions, but that is the general trend. Truth requires ruthlessly cutting through fantasy and everything human, which favors the masculine. If your loyalty is to humanity or community your ability to find truth will be very limited.
  4. Not really. The way humans do love, family, and community is based on falsehood and lies. The reason men go into a cave is to avoid the toxic, corrupting, and distracting influences of community. That's why the Buddha left his palace life to wander in the woods. You're not gonna find truth living in a palace with your family. All of that is a distraction. And women are distracting themselves all the time. The #1 enemy of truth is survival. You are so busy suriving you don't have time for truth. And the more relationships you juggle the less truthful you will be.
  5. It is a function of cognitive complexity and perspective-taking. Blue is less cognitively complex and less able to take more perspectives. Blue is really locked into an absolutist worldview while Orange can handle multiplicity of perspectives. That's what makes it more advanced. It takes some sophisticated thinking to see that a government should not merely favor your religion, but allow for everyone to worship equally according to their needs. Blue is fundamentalist religion and theocracy. Orange is scientific method and democracy. Science is more advanced than fundamentalist religion. Orange realizes that you don't need dogma to be moral. You can be moral through secular humanist values. In fact, it is impossible to be truly moral via dogma.
  6. Math works by self-definition. You set the definitions and then use them consistently. 1 x 1 means you have 1 group of 1s. Which is 1. That's the definition of multiplication we agreed upon. Terrance is not being consistent with his use of definitions and units. He is changing it to suit himself whenever it is convenient to him. We could could define 1+1=11, but then we have to apply that across all mathematics consistently. You can create new kinds of mathematics depending on how you choose your axioms and definitions. Whether that will correspond to anything in the material universe is another manner.
  7. I posted a video summarizing it. It's on my blog.
  8. The background Infinity is hidden from you unless you enter a higher state of consciousness where it becomes revealed. The default human state hides Infinity in order to create the illusion of a solid material world.
  9. But God is infinite imagination. So realizing it's all pretending to be, is the KEY thing to realize about God. As I said elswhere, the real God-Realization is seeing how you construct all of your reality. That's the real awakening, beyond nonduality and enlightenment. Just because you have some enlightenment does not mean you are conscious of how you are imagining everything and everyone around you. That's requires a whole lot more consciousness.
  10. God is the mind. And there's nothing else. God does not need to observe objects when you don't. Those objects simply melt into Infinity, and then arise out Infinity when you see them again. When objects melt into Infinity they are not observed. They are part of an undifferentiated soup of emptiness. To be observed requires differentiation of an object from all other possisble objects. This differentiation does not occur inside pure Infinity. Berkeley is not a good source for understanding such nuances. So I wouldn't waste my time on that. Berkeley had some good ideas in general, but not in the details. There is no external world because really the external world is just pure Infinity -- an undifferentiated soup of all that could be. You could say there is an external world, and the external world is Infinity. But that's very different from what the materialist means.
  11. He has turned science into dogma, and he thinks that all spiritual mystics stuff is BS. And he's aggressive in his ignorance about that. Just because he can debunk some Creationists or Flat Earthers means nothing about his understanding of reality, consciousness, or the deceptions of the mind. Dave is a closedminded ideologue, so it is impossible to have a higher level conversation with him on these matters. Because his ego is all wrapped up with scientism.
  12. The issue is deeper than you imagine: Nonduality is maya.
  13. Maybe it can. And maybe you're just dreaming all that up. After all, if you dreamed it up perfectly what would be difference? It's like, you want something to be "real" outside your own mind, beyond your own dream. You don't want to take responsibility for being able to dream without limits.
  14. I don't judge her as a person, I just decide whether I would be satisfied sleeping with her. Because if I wouldn't be satisfied it would be a waste of her time.
  15. What an assumption.
  16. I see zero reason to judge a girl I saw for 0.5 seconds.
  17. Breathing prana up the spine is the core practice and Ujjayi is just part of that. So that is essential. I skip Nadi Shodhana entirely. I am no yoga expert. I'm just telling what I do. It may or may not be right. But I strip everything down to the 20% that I believe gives 80% of the results.
  18. Did you have to drop this turd in this thread?
  19. @integral Jesus dude, chill. It's just some girl pics. You know nothing about her.
  20. As much of a jackass as Prof Dave can be, some of Rogan's guests are so batshit that I gotta agree with Dave on this one.
  21. You guys are both inflamming each other. Please stop it. OP posted a decent video. If you want to disagree with it, do so without personal attacks or trolling.
  22. High doses of psychedelics can screw with your memory in surreal ways. So it's easy to misremember stuff you did in the material world.