Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Right now, you can make a computer world where if I give you one egg and another egg, you end up with 11 eggs. God could create worlds like that.
  2. Definitions of standard math were made to correspond to empirical reality. You can easily have other kinds of math. You could make a computer world in which 1+1=11. It would be analogous to a non-Euclidean world. It would feels weird and alien and it would mind-fuck you because none of your intutions would work. Also, keep in mind that the human mind evolved to do math in and about our empirical reality. Otherwise it would be useless. You can have an infinite number of different kinds of logics.
  3. @Peo If you had zero lines and you saw a cute girl, what would you say to her?
  4. You will never understand without awakening.
  5. You need both: Genetics + insane effort One or the other is not enough.
  6. I do not mean that. Military-industrial complex is part of the deep state though. It's a combination of government agencies, large corporate interests, and perhaps some oligarch elites. The government is a complex, messy web of various public and corporate entities. It's like a brain, with no one in control.
  7. You just have to be more nuanced. I never said the CIA, FBI, and Pentagon don't exist and don't have their agendas. It's just that conspiracy theorists misuse the term "deep state" to justify ridiculous conspiracies. I don't agree.
  8. Sorry to hear it man. Hang in there. It might sort itself out. The body can be remarkably strong. Give it some time before assuming the worst.
  9. I have a controversial take on the matter. Human mathematics is actually not grounded in axioms. It is grounded in the empirical workings of material reality. The axioms are a post-hoc rationalization. Humans invented multiplication long before they understood what axioms or formal systems were. The reason basic mathematics is the way it is, is because that's how it works when you count your chicken eggs. If you added up two chicken eggs and they amounted to eleven eggs, then our math would be 1+1=11. But this dream doesn't work that way. Actually, you do.
  10. @Gennadiy1981 Deep state is not a conspiracy theory. The deep state is the huge government bureaucracy which exists regardless of who is president. The CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and many other career people. These people and organization definitely have their own agendas which transcend partisan politics or silly mainstream news cycles. The people who control the nukes are not partisan clowns.
  11. Change it up and be more natural. The opener doesn't matter. Be more authentic instead.
  12. There are counter-top verisons for renters.
  13. Those people have not seen a rise in living standards. They have mostly been exploited for cheap labor. Your living standards are built on the backs of those people.
  14. It's both. Putin is opportunistic. He will take whatever he can get away with.
  15. No it isn't. There are significant differences on average. Your hormones are not imaginary and you cannot will them away.
  16. You don't need a math PhD to tell you how to multiply two numbers.
  17. Throw away all your integrity and any commitment to truth or decency and you will rise straight to the top.
  18. I just don't think he is interested in them. He thinks he's above them and that he's figured it all out.
  19. If I give you one six-pack of Coke with 5 cans missing. How many cans of Coke will you have to drink? Terrence says 2. That's the stupidity of his claim.
  20. @ElvisN If you find absolutely nothing fascinating or interesting about reality, it's impossible to help you. It takes extraordinary arrogance, blindness, and ingratitude, not to find all aspects of reality deeply fascinating. A miracle is happening all around you every minute and all you can do is shrug your shoulders and say, "Meh".
  21. Of course there is also less women mystics because of cultural pressures and norms. A woman is expected to raise children, not to run off into a cave seeking truth. A man will literally abandon his children to seek truth. A woman is not allowed to do that. But the more fundamental issue is that she wouldn't want to. And that is the problem. Your loyality is to other things, not truth. So you never find it.
  22. @Hojo Just ask yourself what multiplication actually is, what is means to multiply two numbers. Sit down and do it. Don't guess or theorize. Your confusion comes from a basic lack of understanding of what multiplication is. If you have 12 chicken eggs and you double it, how many eggs do you have? And if you have 12 chicken eggs and you "single" it, how many chicken eggs do you have? Just examine what is meant by multiplication. Multiplication is really a way of adding up groups of things. 1 group of 1 egg equals 1 egg, not 2 eggs. In this case you don't even need any axioms. Just basic common sense.
  23. Wilber's views of psychedelics are irrelevant since he has never done them. Spira's teachings are solid as far as basic nondaulity goes.