Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. So what. This is life, not some stupid game. You guys have become completely spoiled.
  2. His beliefs are irrelevant because he has sold his soul to the devil for power. What you are doing in that position is playing power games and self-enrichment.
  3. As Godel showed, you can get consistency at the cost of completeness. But if you care about completeness you will lose consistency. Your system is only consistent because it is so incomplete and feckless. Maybe you should study the implications of his theories rather than telling me to study logic. Any system that is capable of self-reference will contradict itself. And systems which cannot reference themselves are not really meaningful or powerful.
  4. They are only consistent through artificial limits. If the system is anything complex it will become self-referential and inconsistent unless you ban self-reference a d other such mental gymnastics. As I said, unholistic thinking can appear consistent by ignoring higher inconsistencies.
  5. I doubt that any finite system can truly be consistent. Such systems are fudged into psusedo-consistency through mental gymnastics and unholistic ways of thinking.
  6. That is Mexican Day of the Dead pizza.
  7. Don't follow others blindly, rather listen to your own body. People have different metabolisms.
  8. So point to us where math is failing to represent reality accurately. The sun pooping out planets really has nothing to do with inconsistency in math. That's just a different model of how planets form. You don't need to change math to have various models of planet formation.
  9. 5-MeO-DMT does not guarantee anything. You can use it to increase ego and build up whatever fantasy you want. I don't know anything about the guy or his intelligence. To me just the high level of what he's doing seems off base. These Silicon Valley tech-bros live in their own bubbles surrounded by yes-men and their own kind. It's all too easy to bullshit oneself with such things.
  10. It's better than anything some fool on a podcast conjures up in his basement. It's not like there don't exist non-convential versions of math and logic within the field of academic mathematics. You can go study those crazy, weird sub-fields if you want. But that's a lot harder than spitballin on a podcast.
  11. It's not metaphorical, it's literal. ONENESS.
  12. The whole vibe is off. Rich dude pumping himself with millions in chemicals to stay young and immortal is just an obvious red flag. Calling this ego-trip science is a stretch.
  13. Don't overlook how batshit Blue can be. They are just great at hiding it behind their fake morals. The upstanding Blue pastor is mouth raping children behind closed doors.
  14. And worse. God is Everything. God is your worst nightmare.
  15. This guy is like the posterboy of bro-science BS.
  16. No. There would still be a concept of 2, but combining eggs would not give you 2 it would give you 11 eggs. You could make a world where combing two things of the same kind will always give you 3 of those things instead of 2.
  17. I read statements from him saying he has not done them. So that's what I was going off of. Perhaps I misremembered something. Either way, it's clear his experience is very limited. It is still the case the he does not know their power. My bias is toward grasping the big picture of a situation, not minutia. What I lose in techncial detail I make up for in comprehension. This is not a bug, its a feature of INTP thinking. That's why I'm not a scientist or academic. You can be right about all the technical details and still wrong in the end. In fact that is what all of science and academia is. But I am glad you added detail to my claim. So thanks for the fact check.
  18. Specifically an awakening on the question of What is love?