Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Well, at least let a crocodile bite your hand or something, if you claim to have transcended suffering. That might open my mind. Alien Consciousness is a lot harder to demonstrate than immunity to suffering. They just aren't alike. I wish I could demonstrate it, but then again I don't claim to be in that consciousness permanently.
  2. @nuwu Research Gotlieb Frege, the downfall of logicisim and logical positivism, Russell's Paradox, the work of Douglas Hofstadter, Tarski's incompleteness theorems, paradoxes within set theory, paradoxes of infinity, and the necessity for meta-logics and meta-mathematics. Basically, logic and mathematics is trying to grasp itself but it cannot ever do so because it is infinite, so it has to invent meta logics and meta mathematics to try to do so, and this goes upward ad infinitum. And all of that is still just one drop in the ocean of Infinity.
  3. @_Archangel_ Achieve it and then let's talk. I'm sick of spiritual talk. Show me results.
  4. It is, but that's the least of your problems. Language is an enabling platform, like an operating system. It lets you do a lot of advanced stuff but at the cost of some limits and biases.
  5. Is he pissing in his Bulletproof Coffee (TM) yet?
  6. @zurew My claims use higher consciousness, not deductive chimp logic. If you insist on deductive chimp logic then you will not understand many things I say. Things I say go beyond explication. Logic operates within the box of explication. Godel's theorems are not proofs of what I say, what I say would be true regardless of his theorems. His theorems are merely a pointer to certain higher apsects of mind which you could come to recognize. My claim was not that every self-referential set of statements is inconsistent but that if self-referential statements are allowed they can be used to create inconsistencies. Just because you don't use them to create an inconsistency demonstrates nothing. You can use English to say consistent things or inconsistent things. Just because you only say consistent things so far doesn't mean a damn thing. Arithmetic cannot be formally grounded in any logical system or set theory. Such attempts are delusional. The nuances of this are too complex to explain here. You'd need to take a college level class to start to understand it. And frankly I don't have all the nuances memorized in my mind because they are irrelevant to my work and I am not a logician. Godel did not understand that Mind is infinite. You should know better. You could just read Hofstadter's books and understand what I am pointing to. Hofstadter does a brilliant job explaining the deeper intuitions at the heart of Godel's theorems.
  7. Sounds like you could use a God-slappin'.
  8. When a bus runs over your cat, that is God slapping you around. It doesn't mean it was some intentional thing. But slap you God did.
  9. @Danioover9000 Stop it! You have rotted your mind from watching too much online trash.
  10. Integrity with your highest values.
  11. Your condition is as I said it is.
  12. The spiritual fuck rat archetype
  13. Don't sell yourself short! You ARE God. None other.
  14. That is not the goal. The goal is consciousness.
  15. But your mindset is that it does matter.
  16. @Someone here No one here is free of suffering. Cut the shit.
  17. I see this biohacker stuff like an extended performance art / grift. You create a biohacker public persona and then monetize the shit out of it by selling hope and pills to gullible rubes. Dave Asprey has pioneered that particular art. It's a very sneaky survival strategy. Of course there will be a million dollar book deal, talkshow rounds, overpriced branded supplements, a special trademarked diet, and more.
  18. No easier than it is to delude yourself otherwise. Delusion cuts in all directions. There is no escape from your own bullshit. Any time you think you''ve escaped bullshit, you haven't because your mind is still active.
  19. Now you understand just how much spiritual fantasy all this enlightenment, nonduality, freedom from suffering, unconditional happiness is. Yet more human games. God slapped you around and humbled you a bit, which is great. God is still way beyond your comprehension and state of consciousness still dictates your life. This is a healthy dose of reality. Beware of happy spiritual fantasies of bliss and all that. But also, don't get nihilistic and cynical either. What happened to you is that you acquired an attachment (your son), and now you see how powerful attachment is. And now you can appreciate why every other human is so attached.
  20. @Past-Philosopher-562 I have videos that explain how God-Realization is different from nonduality. Search for my God-Realization video. Beyond that it will require a course, which I have planned but my health slows me down.
  21. And I find that sober life has a powerful delusionary pull. That IS the nature of Consciousness. Whatever you imagine deeply enough becomes reality.