Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. No. And I don't play Blizzard's trash games.
  2. Gamer culture tends to be very immature and toxic overall. It's by man-children for man-children. Even game developers tend to be immature boys. Look at how Blizzard is run. The president of Blizzard would whip his dick out at business meetings to impress investors. That's the level of maturity you're dealing with here. Just look at gamer culture overall. It's pathetic.
  3. It's a good idea, but do you understand how difficult that is?
  4. @Ben2204 Sounds like you are in high school or something and dealing with a handful of teenage girls. Real women do not behave as you describe. I have spoken to something like 5000 women and not one of them has called me ugly. And that isn't because I'm handsome. You need to get out of your bubble and actually talk to real women.
  5. To get good results your retreat needs a strict pratice, not just sitting and daydreaming. Sitting for 10 days straight is a lot harder than it sounds. You will be in hell. So you need a good plan.
  6. Those who ridicule crocodiles are in for a God-slappin'.
  7. And? So what? 5x5=25 is not legitmate to a child who hasn't done math.
  8. You have time to do both. Studying self-help content is not a full-time job. You can spend a few hours a week on that while you pursue your career. It's like you are asking: Should I pursue my career or go to the gym?
  9. That can be said about anything. Your mom can be a delusion made up by your very human mind.
  10. Why would anything be guaranteed in this work?
  11. You being God is not a belief. Thinking you know how the pyramids were built is belief.
  12. Of course. It's an eacape, like drugs. Playing games all day is much more fun than building a life.
  13. Demonizing aspects of Orange.
  14. What is your LP? They should really be combined. Your LP should not stop you from self-actualizing, that would be screwed up.
  15. If that actually worked, sure would be great. But it is unwise to count your chickens before they hatch. It's a gamble relative to just doing a month-long retreat and breaking through the wall with intense momentum. There is no gaurantee that bits of daily practice will be enough to reach the necessary critical mass. I would bet that it won't be enough for most people. Which is why retreats were invented. Why wait 10 years if you can just crank it out in a month? 10 years is quite inefficient by comparison.
  16. Could there be some special techniques which are extra potent? Sure. But I would be skeptical about how well that would scale up. I have not read those texts you mention. You gotta ask yourself, is it worth a 10 year gamble? Obviously that's a personal question.
  17. Of course that's important. But furthermore, you may want to awaken but still be too immature and not ready to accept it when the moment comes. You have to be willing to really surrender your human self and life. That can take years just to reconcile yourself to. You may just not want to go through with it even though you want it theoretically.
  18. @Water by the River If your situation was generally true then millions more mediators would be awake and they obviously aren't, so what you say cannot be generally true. The average meditator will not get your results. The #1 reason people do not get awakenings is because no one is willing to invest 100hrs straight into meditation. There is good reason why Buddha sat for 3 weeks under a tree. He couldn't do it otherwise.
  19. Motion and time are different things. Time is a figment of consciousness.
  20. I don't need any Arabic to understand Allah. You can keep all the human shit. It only dirties Allah.
  21. @stephenkettley It's impossibile to say. Could be tomorrow or you could spend 20 years doing it and never reach enlightenment. And enlightenment would just be the tip of understanding Consciousness. But if you're doing psychedelics you should have already had some mystical, nondual experiences. What are you experiencing there? If you wish to reach enlightenment through manual practice you really need to do week-long hardcore mode retreats. Breakthroughs in consciousness require insane levels of focus. Every time you break focus you lose all your momentum and must start from scratch. Realistically to generate a manual mystical experience requires 100 hours of intense consistent focus. That's one week-long retreat's worth of meditation. To do it faster would require spiritual talents, which most people do not have.
  22. @Yimpa I know this shit too well. It starts being too predictable at some point.
  23. He already has intro books to Integral theory. Why make more? This isn't Chinese calculus.
  24. I don't know. In practice not. People need to already care enough to listen. If you tell them and they dismiss it, then they don't care.