Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. A gold-framed picture of Satan in every classroom!
  2. Impressive level of maturity from NDT here:
  3. The whole self-actualization and spiritual process is self-discovery. And pickup is also that process.
  4. There is a big difference between a genuine review and a review bomb. A mature person would never review bomb a game. Only pissy self-absorbed children do such things.
  5. Review bombing IS peak immaturity.
  6. But bro, this is the internets.
  7. @Javfly33 You do not control dreaming. Stop acting like you do.
  8. @Malekakisioannis Stop torturing yourself. If you want truth pursue it joyfully, and if not then pursue other things. But don't relate to truth in a tortured way. Truth is a beautiful thing. Whatever is true is good, and that's all there is to it. Adding drama to it is unneeded.
  9. Intuition and belief are not the same thing. Although they could easily get mixed together. And intuitions can be wrong. That is a very tricky issue because it does to heart of self-deception, and there is no solution to self-deception.
  10. That is easy, just go about human business. Have some kids, start a business, watch some TV, etc.
  11. You don't control the dream. You are stuck in the dream. So you gotta play by its rules.
  12. The material world is the absolute. The absolute is the dream.
  13. Don't think of it in such a shallow way. Imagination IS reality. "Not legit" is not right. You are treating imagination as something bad. You haven't become conscious of it yet, so you are currently in the forgotten state. Death is imaginary.
  14. It won't be healthy. But the best way is to eat tubs of ice cream.
  15. You have to start somewhere, which is with some beliefs. But then you gotta test them to validate. You couldn't take a shit if you didn't believe your toilet still existed after you took a nap. The key is, how many of your beliefs have you validated? You don't have to believe that you're God. You could not believe it and still just pursue truth and higher consciousness and eventually you'll experience God despite your beliefs. I didn't believe in God when I discovered it. You don't need to believe things that are true.
  16. Physical reality is imaginary. Pick up a small object, hold it in your hands, and try to notice that it is imaginary. Higher consciousness/awakened consciousness is required. Take psychedelic amd do the above exercise. Humans consider imagination to only be what happens inside your head. But that is 2nd order imagination. 1st order imagination is the physical world outside your head. The key is to realize that there is no boundary between inside your head and outside your head. So everything is just different orders of imagination. In a dream every part of it is imaginary. The whole dream world is imagination. And so is life. Again, the key is to realize there is no boundary between a dream and life.
  17. Just remind yourself to be patient with the whole process and have a 10 year time horizon. You are slowly investing in yourself and there is no rush to reach some imagined end. Enjoy the process. You have at least 2 decades of work ahead of you. So pace yourself. You are not going to reach my level within a few years. That is impossible. I have been doing this work for 15+ years.
  18. He's just an Uncle Tom. Pushing white man's science on us.
  19. @zurew You and your white multiplication.
  20. Science has shown that some people are wired to be nightowls. It can take time to build up a certain momentum throughout the day. Jumping out of bed and being in the zone does not work for everyone.
  21. Games are meant to be played in moderation, a few weeks out of the year. That is their proper function. Just because others abuse games does not mean you can't design beautiful games. There is a valid role for art and entertainment in the world. In fact it is necessary.
  22. No. Regradless of what you say, do, or how enlightened you get, physical reality will always be imagined by you. There's no way around that. No amount of deconstructing the self will change that. Deconstructing the self is a fine thing but it has no bearing on the nature of Consciousness which I describe. Consciousness is the way that I say and works the way that I say. How much you choose to deconstruct yourself is up to you. But the house you sleep in, the trees you see, and the people you meet will always be imaginary.
  23. Don't be too negative. It can certainly be done if one is serious.