Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You would still be in this situation because you are in the wrong line of work. All you have to do is let go of your pigheaded ideas about what your line of work should be. You are simply lacking openmindedness. An amazing career could be right around the corner for you, but your mind is so closed and stubborn that you will not even look at it. This is why I teach radical openmindedness. And you have still not learned that lesson. You have gotten so stuck inside your own mind that you bought a rope to kill yourself. That's what closedmindedness leads to. And the solution is to simply open your mind to new perspectives.
  2. Sociology is a super important field full of importanrt insights. However, you have to be careful to avoid the woke ideological capture of that field which has taken place to some extent. Distinguish genuine science and insight vs woke political agendas.
  3. But it doesn't matter whether I could pass or not. There are many things I cannot do and should not do. You're not getting the key lesson here. The lesson is: life is all about finding your niche, fitted to your strengths. It doesn't matter what your strengths are. You are playing to your weaknesses. It's been obvious to me for over a year now that engineering is not your strength. The solution is simply to stop doing it! That's it. Stop doing the things you will never be great at. But you keep insisting on doing math and torturing yourself. Go do what you are good at and enjoy. It's that simple. You need to look outside academia. Academia is not for you. Quit academia and start a real life. That's your answer. You instantly feel better.
  4. Because reality has a profound structure which isn't here to serve your childish ego. You are really asking why God is not a corrupt narcissistic child.
  5. @Husseinisdoingfine You are taking university way too seriously. It's really not important as you tell yourself it is. All this situation means is that you are not cut out for that kind of high academic work. That's okay. The problem here is that you keep trying to succeed in a field that you are not naturally well-suited for. You need to sit down, accept that, and find a new field that isn't heavy on math and hard science. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. You will be much happier once you switch careers. You are too attached to that one career field. Do not kill yourself over this issue. I switched my major from out of enginnering after years of study because I realized engineering was a bad fit for my personality. Imagine if I killed myself instead. That would be silly. Throw away your rope right now. You will never need it. Just sit down and accept the pain that engineering is now right for you. There's no shame in that. There are much better fields than engineering. Throw away your rope. Switching to a career that suits you better does not make you a loser, it makes you wise. Happiness awaits you once you just accept that you don't need any of this engineering stuff or academics to be happy and successful. Academia is an illusion. Certainly not worth killing yourself over.
  6. @psychedelaholic It's very rare to find anyone who is interested in doing original thinking. People act out their biases like monkeys grabbing at bananas, and all their thoughts are just a tool to serve that end.
  7. I did 12 days fast. Zero spiritual benefits.
  8. Time is not measuring constructs. Time is an aspect of your consciousness.
  9. I guess you consider FoxNews just truth, eh? How could it be propaganda if it's so successful.
  10. Change and motion is no way contradicts Eternity. Time is not needed for change or motion. Motion happens within Eternity and time is an overlay.
  11. My Part 2 outline is nearly complete and it's super juicy. Twice as juicy as Part 1.
  12. Daniel Schmach for President!
  13. And with that our conversation ends.
  14. Every time I read the title of this thread, I cringe.
  15. @SageMind Your thinking about this whole thing is backwards. Your goal should be to get the most cringe and brutal rejections possible, in the hundreds. Until you stop caring. You should not waste a single minute worrying about how bad the rejection will be. Rejection is not really bad at all. If a girl doesn't like you, great! Next girl!
  16. That's right. Words cannot solve epistemic problems of such depth.
  17. You completely ignored what I said about Trump. Which shows that you're not serious. I didn't say you consume mainstream media. I said you consume right-wing alternative media, which is way worse. It seems like your sources of information are mostly memes. That's your constructed projection.
  18. The first step to changing your mind is realizing it is closed.
  19. Do not derail this thread with BS.
  20. @Cobblestone Prince You managed to stuff like every right-wing talking point in a single post. That is impressive. Someone who has consumed as much right-wing media content as you cannot be reasoned out of your position. Why Kamala? Because she did not try to overthrow a fair legal democratic election through violent insurrection, sedition, and fraud. Law and order. I'm sure you can appreciate why we should not vote for a convicted felon for President.
  21. This whole topic is sick. I expect better of you guys.