Leo Gura

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About Leo Gura

  • Rank
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  • Birthday 04/24/1985

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  • Location
    Las Vegas, USA
  • Gender
  1. I will soon do a 2-4 week nonstop retreat.
  2. When you take 5-MeO-DMT you will realize your spiritual teachers are fictions.
  3. I've said for a long time that hardcore retreats are necessary. This is not a new position for me. I documented some of my retreats years ago now.
  4. There are many valid techniques. Noting is better for keeping the mind on track. Just focusing on nothing is really hard without getting lost in thoughts. Noting helps avoid getting lost in thoughts.
  5. Yeah, be careful with that. Buddhist meditation skill is not to be underestimated. It is seriously impressive. Just not the end all be all they wish it was. Meditation does not grant intelligence. You can meditate for decades and still be stupid.
  6. Yeah. I got an old video explaining it: Mindfulness Meditation See, hear, feel. Very simple.
  7. 20hrs changes very little. I do the Shinzen labeling kind.
  8. Not distracted. Worshipping.
  9. He did by fucking up my health. Fuck God and his stupid games.
  10. It is a waste of time relative to Alien anything. But you can't live in the Alien domain. You must settle for lower things.
  11. I meditated 20hrs this weekend.
  12. A shit life is the default. If you want a great life you gotta build it up from scratch. Does an RPG character start off with a great life? No. He starts off in a loincloth with a stick to beat off rats. If you want something more you gotta build it. You could build a palace in the forest as long as you're willing to work for it.