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Viewing Topic: Don't you notice how Donald Trump still has a heart?
17 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Leo Its not fair that you have stopped a thread
Viewing Topic: Interesting conversation with Ashton Forbes about free energy technology
Viewing Forum: Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
Viewing Topic: How long until I am clear of SSRIs?
Viewing Topic: Guidelines
Viewing Forum: Guidelines
Viewing Topic: No self/No belief = FREEDOM!!
Viewing Topic: Messed up sleep schedule
Viewing Topic: The Joy Journal
18 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: Both men and women are full of shit
Viewing Topic: Eager to evolve - Getting my shit handled journal
Viewing Topic: It's all my fault
Viewing Topic: Books about sexual fetishes
Viewing Topic: Business Idea: Green Gyms, Exercise + Hangout
Viewing Topic: Peak brilliancy
19 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: There is too much emphasis on transcend and too little emphasis on include.
Viewing Topic: How do you connect? ?
Viewing Topic: Crazy Court Videos Mega-Thread