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  2. @James123 You figure out how deep consciousness goes beyond basic nonduality yet?
  3. Very interesting experience. Good insight. That's what happens. When you've been afraid, the fear remains. It's layers and layers of fear that create a bubble, a psychic structure, an ever-active energy. Letting go and opening your heart is the work. What I call enlightenment is the openess to yourself, the total surrender to yourself. The fear is what closes, it's extremely difficult not fear, at least to me. Nowadays death is shit, we are full of fear making everything difficult, triying to preserve everything, imagining that human life is for ever, it's crazy being a human, difficult don't fear death but there is nothing to fear. Reality is you, that hell you talked about is you too. So difficult to really surrender to yourself . The only way is to smile to the abyss and open our heart to it, without preference. But so difficult, preference always closes the door. To open the door you should erase everything even for a moment , they you feel the divine and you see that what you are is divine, then you love yourself.
  4. This is pure gold
  5. That's why hardcore players don't settle down, they just sleep around and date casually. Not saying that's right, but that is one lifestyle option. Yes, there is an inherent tradeoff between relationship and freedom/variety.
  6. essentially my brain is interpreting the shape of an orange and labeling the orange and orange.... yet the brain, body and everything else is just light (consciousness) playing out in real time.... the screen is constant the images not... if that makes sense?
  7. - Constantly talking about Canada to become the 51st State. This is not just some "harmless meandering" at this point, I think he's serious about it but he has to test things out first by constantly talking about it and attempting to "triangulate" (by telling Americans that we don't need this relationship, Canada is hurting them, same old crap blah blah). I understand this "hasn't been done", but it always starts with "an idea" to rally people behind, so don't underestimate that.. it would be too late when it actually happens. (like all your "actions" listed there). It's similar to why an intelligent organization/person would invest into "crime prevention", rather than sitting there and waiting for something to happen. This guy has been deeply damaged and attracting those similar to him, and there seems to be no effective “counters” to him at this time as he has managed to surround himself with similarly delusional people. He has practically made himself an “invincible charlatan” by aligning with devils like himself.
  8. After day 3th, i become the voice, chair, sofa, woman, man etc... but these were long term experiences not like a second last long experiences. I have learned with these, there is a hell, believe me no one wants to get in. I lived and became the voice for hours, hours, hours. But at that time, i have learned how to let go while i am the chair. Definitely. However, bad trips are the golden to realize and study the weakness of the ego. İ come to point that the one who will go to the hospital is an illusion itself, stop being a pussy and let go. 😂 😂 😂 But I really wanted to cry as a the most scared person in the world at that time. Because, experiencing is different, but if that experience stuck is with you, you have to let go, and that will be suck and /endlessly stuck with you till you surrender.
  9. To context what I'm gonna say I have had a bit of a shitty month so mood isn't great, not depressed or anything just not feeling upbeat. I've always had this feeling of not really wanting to settle down, if I'm honest I am an aviodant attachment style. I've tried to work on this amongst other and there has been progress, the main issue though is not trusting a woman to take care of me emotionally. This is obviously to do with my mum who definitely didn't do that and so I've always been very independent. I like having a woman be there and be someone you can talk to, do stuff with, have sex etc and I also like helping them with whatever, whether it's just being empathetic and giving advice or anything really. But I feel like I also really want my space, I also like meeting new people and I hate the feeling of being tied down. Because of this I keep getting in a cycle of getting attached to someone but not fully commiting, then either I realise it can't work or they get bored of no progress and it ends but I always feel terrible at the end. I've recently had this thought of like how the fuck do I just pick one and then that's it? I'm not saying I want multiple partners necessarily as that would be the same thing but more complicated, but I find it hard getting my head around just being with one person forever. I don't know if I'm weird because of this. My ex has just got with someone else and it is honestly such a shit feeling but I can't say anything because I either didn't commit or stayed with her way too long when I knew there were issues. So it's on me completely but still just feels crazy. Anyway kinda rambling but any input would be nice
  10. Arguably, morality itself serves a function of human survival, namely cooperation. Would you want to be neighbors with a known rapist or serial killer? Its quiet crucial to uphold morality when you think about it as a way to moderate behavior that doesn't serve the community. Why else do you get outraged at a rape or a murder in your neighborhood? Its like you've been wounded personally, and you can only heal once the perpetrator has been stopped. Because it could happen to you and your loved ones. Notice how everything that is considered immoral are things that are adversarial to survival. Morality is inescapably human. We just don't always agree what is and isn't immoral due to differing biases and goals. Other animals have no regard concerning morality. They are de facto non-moral agents unlike us humans. They have no need to entertain the sensibilities of its kin, doth the crocodile will eat your screaming children and sleep like an angel all in the same day just to forget it even happened in due time, like it was just another Wednesday. Do you remember what you ate last week? Or the week before? Your children are delicious, see, so its a simple matter. And the more they scream and squirm, the more it excites the hunt.
  11. Yeah, there's a thousand examples like that in the corporate world.
  12. @Leo Gura In regards to your blog post on American Airlines, what do you think about the lawsuit against Capital One? https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-sues-capital-one-for-cheating-consumers-out-of-more-than-2-billion-in-interest-payments-on-savings-accounts/
  13. İt is almost impossible. Because, there is thousands of thousand insights.
  14. When I was young and considering whether I should get a philosophy PhD, I read this book and it helped me understand whether it was right or not for me: https://amzn.to/42uGcf0 You can find more such books which explain the PhD graduate school life/process to you. These books are essential to read before taking the leap. When I read that book I realized that I would never find truth in graduate school. So I dropped it. Remember, for pretty much any path you want to pursue in life, someone else has already pursued it and written a book about it. So do your research before you make such a big decision.
  15. @mrroboto The orange is just an icon made out of light. The hard drive and ram and code/metaphysics of orange is behind your head. When someone is eating an orange in front of your pov the person and the orange is an icon made out of light on your display. the metaphysics of the person and orange are happening behind YOUR pov in your hard drive and ram. Your body is just light on a display screen and is only one version of you. Like Tommy vercetti in vice city is a character icon but is way more than that he exists as sound he exists as code and he exists pre rendered videos. Parts of Tommy vercetti are completely different and in different dimensions than just the display. He also exists when he is not there but not as his icon as a frozen state on the harddrive. You are like Tommy vercetti on a computer and exists in ways and realms that would scare you.
  16. They removed the second video.
  17. I see what this poll is about. It is about finding out men's real priorities - sex or emotional connection? I would choose number 2 depending on what "extensive courting process" means, if it means spending a bunch of fucking money on her, taking her to expensive dinners or shopping, then I'd take neither option. If it means something non materialistic, then sure. Also female friends are not really necessary in there, I don't know why you guys consider them to be some Meccas of emotional inteligence or something. When they're clearly not. And respect is also missing in there, I'd say it should be up to par with love, since you can't have one without the other. Ultimately the second option is sonewhat unrealistic while the first option is literaly impossible, so
  18. 'Nazi' Vandal living with his grandma gets raided by the Ohio State police. Edit: I just noticed that the vandal wrote "Hilter" instead of "Hitler" with his spray paint.
  19. whoa! that's a lot to unpack! so In other words this simulation ..... exists as a simulation with infinite uploaded information. it's unraveling in the present moment knowing itself as the present. now to the orange example "If a computer game character see the colour orange it exists just not in their experience and not as orange. It exists as information saved on a hard drive in no time and no space. If a game character see a orange its not seeing the orange for what it is it is seeing a created icon of an orange that exists somewhere as a code. The orange is just a simplified stamp to signify information that dosent exist anywhere inside the time and space of the game but in a hidden realm being rendered behind the scenes." So the orange is just there in the periphery but not as an actual orange its something thats included within the realm behind the scenes so to speak. WE label it as an orange to simplify it.
  20. How do you know that a shift in consciousness which produces ringing in ear can lead to Tinnitus, just an assumption? In my opinion this is totally normal and will not cause Tinnitus. Because it's just natural that if your consciousness shifts you can hear all kind of mind noise.
  21. Take the best insights and lessons from everyone. No need to chose a favorite. You will learn important bits from everyone. I learned valuable tidbits from everyone I ever met in game. Even from psychopaths, rapists, criminals, creepers, alcoholics. It's all grist for the learning mill. You learn from the good, the bad, the ugly. From success and from failure alike.
  22. Today
  23. Most if not all hard drugs have no genuine and wholesome use and are a net negative to society in my opinion and we would be better of without them. Legalizing these drugs will only serve to engender their use and the deterioration of the community.
  24. @RendHeaven That makes sense. There's an orientation to expansion as opposed to contraction. My orientation is towards contraction and limitation... which are the necessary birthplaces of meaning and beauty. And any experiences that I've had of Truth and the infinite have been to serve the path of the contraction, limitation, meaning, and beauty that I'm on. To me... infinite expansion and infinite knowing becomes so random. I've had experiences where an infinity of experiences flash before me as I scratched the surface of infinite knowledge. And the chaos of it has highlighted to me how much I appreciate that which small, limited, imperfect, ordinary, grounded, Earthly, and meaningful. I'm like a Hobbit more than I am a princess.
  25. Cool initiative. I have some thoughts if you don't mind: Sitting in a position that is highly uncomfortable and that might even impede your meditation, trains willpower but not necessarily awareness (at least not optimally). Awareness is trained the best when you create the perfect balance between relaxed and alert, comfortable and uncomfortable. And awareness is arguably a more refined and fundamental way of addressing your issue with an unruly mind. You can train your willpower by hitting yourself with a hammer and trying not to flinch, but of course that's a bit crude and might actually hurt you in other ways. Besides, if you sit long enough in a meditation where you allow yourself to be comfortable and relaxed, you will eventually start to feel aches and pains in your legs anyway. That then turns into a training of willpower to keep sitting, but you're also in an elevated state of awareness.
  26. The drug cartels are essentially militant cults that undermine society through violence and exploitation. Its justified to combat it in a way that is of course legal depending on the severity of the situation, which you could argue that it isn't severe enough to justify a full-scale invasion but that isn't the only card on deck necessarily. If the drug cartels continue to expand their corrosive influence and destabilize Latin-America than it'll be increasingly harder to justify inaction.
  27. It's not equal. It's a function of development level. If a psychopath religious barbarian wields nuclear weapons we are very worried. If Biden or Kamala does, we don't worry. The lower the worldview the more violent. Don't give a box of hand grenades to a chimpanzee.
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