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This has no relation to your ability to have sex.
Salvijus replied to 5-D - L O V E's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@5-D - L O V E 🙏 -
The models are fine, you just have to synthesize the disparate pieces. Individualism and collectivism feedback on each other in complex and sometimes counter-intuitive ways. If you read and understand her work, you will see Susanne Cook-Greuter is not enforcing a rudimentary hyper-individualistic / deconstructive frame on Green. Her framing is nuanced and understands Green's increasing interconnection with all of life. There's no contradiction here.
Keep in mind that Trump is ready to give it to them, and then some.
@The Renaissance Man yes sir!
Keep in mind Russia wants all of Novorussia which is 40% of Ukraine, currently they have around 20%. If Russia settles only for what it has it is indeed a compromise. They want Odessa, Kharkiv etc.
@Leo Gura @Leo Gura 😂 Right on. Well, she is open to it at least, so there is hope. Are there any sperm volume supplements you use or recommend for a functional penis to an actualized penis? lol since I do like having sex multiple times a day or week I want to increase my sperm volume.
I'm not into anal so I don't know. My guess is, many girls won't be into it. But, it works like any other new sex, you take charge and guide her into it in a way where she feels comfortable. But in the end she just may not find it appealing since it's so specific. I had a girlfriend in the past who just adamantly refused anything going near her butthole. You're not going to talk her out of that. Girls' tastes vary.
Vibes replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A sour technology - Today
@Leo Gura @Leo Gura Thank you for this insight. I do jerk off on top of her while she plays with my balls, but I want her to play with my butt but am a little shy as to what she may think but I am aware of my own projections and I am willing to be open Bout it. Sexual preferences don't define ones sexuality. I do tell her what I want her to do and I compliment her when she does. But I will be better at this. I do talk to her and verbalize my desire of her. Yes the sex can get repetitive, I will definitely take what you said and take charge of our sex. That's an interesting thing you pointed out, cumming is how hot I make the sex mentally which is why I can cum faster masturbating probably, and of course the hand speed at which im going rather than thrusting my hips. Please write or make a video of how to engage your mind and write down some steamy hot sex, I could definitely learn from that. Also how would you open a girl up to anal in a long term relationship, how to communicate this when not having sex versus during sex. We've got the lube and I've discussed with her in the past and she said little by little she will open up over time, we gone only up to touching, rubbing and barley fitting two fingers but then she stops lol.
Well, it has a brutal, ultimate, distinct yet harmonious vibe. I like it.
5-D - L O V E replied to 5-D - L O V E's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If anyone in here had a similar experience to what I'm reffering to you would understand the abyssmal depth that heartbreak could take, and that with such scares, most people (if not all) wouldn't even want to continue living, and to be honest, I don't either, I'm just aware that there's nowhere to go, and that if I overcome this I may be one of the strogest and most rezilient people to have ever lived, but that isn't a motivation (no matter how much I try to recontexutualize this situation) I have an immense sense of faith, but I don't see that faith working for me I know I sound crude, bitter, raw and completely dysfunctional, which is the case, I also have positive and functional sides, but I'd rather be true than try to paint a false picture, this is also who I am -
A few points here. 1) Just jerk off on top of her. Sometimes that is necessary. A girl will not always make you cum directly because she doesn't know how to rub your dick in the right way. 2) Tell her a lot how hot and sexy you find her, so she doesn't have any doubts about that. As you do foreplay and fuck her, keep telling her how hot she is. Keeping telling her over and over. "Wow, you're so fucking sexy baby." And don't just tell her, you yourself feel it and appreciate her sexiness. This will make you cun faster. 3) Are you saying her sex is too boring for you? In that case you lead her into hotter sex. You frame this as you want to lead her into deeper femininity and she should want to follow you. So you tell her, "I want to try something new. I want to guide you into deeper femininity. Do you want to follow?" And then you guide her into crazy hot sex. And as she follows ever step you give her, you reward her by telling her how good and sexy she is for following your lead. 4) Cumming is about how hot you make the sex seem in your mind. Not the physical rubbing. So to cum faster you gotta really amp up the hotness of it in your own mind, to the point where you can't take it any more. And of course you can verbalize all that with her. I could write a few paragraphs of steamy hot sex that is so hot to read you will want to bust. It's a skill you can learn. You are not engaging your mind enough. You are missing a huge opportunity here. Women need to be lead into hot sex. I doesn't just happen. Take charge of your woman and your sex.
5-D - L O V E replied to 5-D - L O V E's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Salvijus I may sound confused and conflicted by saying this, and yes I am But I don't believe in most things that are being proposed here (sorry) Not rejecting the validity of what anyone is proposing, but rather that none of the solutions proposed seem to address my specific situation, I don't think that anyone quite grasps what I'm dealing with, and it's partly my poor conveing of it all As much as I want to find the love of god, I want a solution that deals with everything in one fell swoop, Expressions such as "God's love" or "serving one's ego" or "shadow integration" are quite vague, here's where I'm coming at all this from I'm big on comparaison, there's this one thing I see almost everyone pull of except me (which just boggles me... but let's not go there) This specific thing is that anyone who puts out a desire or an intention into the universe gets a manifestation of said desire, no matter how spiritual they are, in this sense life just seems to work for "everyone", and the fundamental reason that everyone is overlooking and cannot grasp and which is taken for granted is that almost all people have a basic layer of self love, no matter it's source or how thin it is I have never had that, I could have done more spiritual work and more self help work, more shadow work... than anyone in here and it wouldn't show for that simple reason, I don't fundamentally love myself So the kind of grace I'm looking for is its own agenda, I'm not going for the big pie (god's love), or rather I want the universe to show me that it cares about my ego like it seems to do with everyone else -
Leo Gura replied to PurpleTree's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
The uppercase T in Trump is for his absolute assholeishness. -
@Yimpa You will make a nice suckling PIG roast
I cannot wait for the aliens to taste me. But I’m not just an appetizer sampler, no, I’m also the full-course meal + desert. Come n eat me while I’m still fresh off the grill!!!
@Leo Gura Maybe it has something to do with my psychedelic use, I had realized that nothing in the world can make me happy and the only thing that could satisfy me is the Bliss of pure consciousness. So when I'm having sex with a girl it feels amazing and I am in the present moment feeling all the bodies sensations of each other and I can fuck for 45 minutes to an hour without cuming, and my girlfriend would question me if I found her attractive because I wasn't cuming and this created some confusion around sex because she already has ideas of how sex should work. I keep telling her don't worry or pressure me into cuming because it makes it even longer. Sometimes I have to masturbate just so I can cum on her, any tips or advice? As someone that is open to exploring different kinky things with my gf how can I frame it to her or get her to open trying something different. She is very traditional in having sex.I am 28 and extremely horny and can cum at least 4 times a day.
Free coaching is also not really something to call abusive. Even if the coaching was bad, it was free so the expectations should be low. In whatever corrupt way, he did try to help you for free.
Raze replied to Asia P's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God -
ExploringReality replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dodo When you start out on the spiritual path, yes you create a duality between the false self and the true self. The false self has a breakthrough into its true nature and there seems to be another Duality created between the enlightened self and the unenlightened self. This is normal but it does not mean your spiritual quest is complete. As Leo and many others have mentioned you have to bring the form back into the formless. Being enlightened is realizing no self, but you are right that the ego will grandize itself with its breakthroughs but don't get stuck demonizing the ego, go further. Self knowledge is impossible, you can only be more conscious of yourself and psychedelics along with other methods are more or less effective in raising ones consciousness. The question can you do it without drugs is silly because the entire brain is made out of drugs, all those neurotransmitters are basically drugs. Drugs is a term invented by the government to keep people from having intelligent conversations about substance use, abuse and addiction. You don't have to make an identity out of psychedelics, they can be used as an instrument or you can get sucked into an identity like anything else. It's not the psychedelic, it's the person himself. -
Leo Gura replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I live life to my enjoyment. I am not a martyr. I am not here to save mankind. I just pursue my own understanding and share it. -
Salvijus replied to 5-D - L O V E's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That’s sort of in the right direction. One needs the right practice and grace and sincerity. The right practice is watching desire, although the entire book could be written about it because there's a lot to unpack there. Grace can come in many forms. You can find someone who lives in that frequency of love and it would assist you to elevate yourself to that state also. Or the assistance of grace could come from certain books that are inspirited with that energy. Or maybe through temples etc. Sincerity is on you. Nobody can give that to you. All three are needed to succeed. If you're serious about this I can share in pm the material, the right practices and the grace that helped me attune to that brilliant light of God's desire within each soul and experience love as a permanent companion. -
What did you just say to me!!?!?