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  2. Reminds me of when I used to sit in my room as a child and try to move a ball with my mind. It moved once, I think. To be honest discussing stuff like this is trivial. If you're still freaking out about that parking ticket you probably have better things to invest your focus into when it comes to spirituality.
  3. Haha, I highly doubt Hawkins would be for MAGA. Politics was different in his time. He had a conservative bent but he wouldn’t call overt devilry good. He was too integrous for that. Also, Hawkins references a lot of news sources to prove some of his points. If he referenced Ben Shapiro, that is funny, but it doesn’t make him a fan.
  4. @undeather Cheers to wisdom!
  5. There are 1000+ boyfriends and girlfriends for everyone. The only problem is that you don't want to put in the work it takes actualize them. If you keep being lazy and irresponsible you might end up with zero.
  6. Interesting observation. Perhaps there is a point at which an entity's consciousness develops enough to find joy in observing other creatures demonstrate selflessness. Perhaps this isn't just a human thing, but a feature of consciousness.
  7. That's a very legit and smart argument. That said, I think that when comes to beer consumption in particular - we also see a huge amount liquid going through the kidney/ureter (through the sheer volume of the drink and the diuretic effects of alcohol), which is exactly what counteracts the build up of kidney stones. Even if that is followed up by a period of relative dehydration in the circulation, the urinary ducts are relatively well flushed most of the time. Let's not forget that the buildup of kidney takes weeks to several months at least - so any "negative" effect of the period would be compensated for by the sheer volume of liquid.
  8. Fear not, take my hand and swim with me towards Nirvana!
  9. One of his own books. Can't recall which one. Hawkins was a supporter of Christian Republicans in the Mike Pence vein. He would have likely been a MAGA if he was still alive today. Which shows you how stupid and corrupt these enlightened people can be.
  10. Great step. Watches happily as you write.
  11. I believe I don’t write and express myself more because I haven’t quite found and also settled into my authentic self yet. Sometimes I write a long paragraph and after reading it delete it again, never seeing the light of day. I often don’t identify with what I write as if it came from someone else feather. I usually like to resolve mental confusion or chaos by sitting with and observing it, without interfering, letting it run it’s course and shifting my attention to more peaceful seeds I plant in the mental garden of mind. I used to feel that writing about it was distracting, but nowadays I slowly come to appreciate it. I do my best not to obsess about every word I choose and the sentence structures I create too much.
  12. this is my approach too, because I've found one is already a sage, just gotta clear the clouds to let the sun shine through. I don't become god, I'm already god always, just recognize that and let go of anything obscuring that.
  13. Just don't take nonsense from others.
  14. sometimes feels like drowning in work. Ah, courage my friends!
  15. @Butters the reason why any of us focus on anything we do is because we have told ourselves it’s important to focus on it. Some may find it important to focus on peace at the exclusion of chaos and some may choose to focus on the chaos rather than peace. Each person gets something from it, otherwise, they wouldn’t focus where they do. What drives people to do either is a matter of condition and circumstance, none of which they chose. Why do magnets attract or why is ice slippery? Because they do and because it just is. Leo is not the evolved being you seem to think he is. He’s just another human doing what all of us humans do…that which we do not choose. Our conscious attention and values are shaped by our own narrative-making…narratives we often create unconsciously…which is why it’s hard to answer the question: Why do you care about the things you care about? Why does one harp on Trump? Being someone who has done the same, it’s not easy to answer that question. I tell myself I do it because it’s important that humanity not blunder or that I care about humanity, but I suspect there’s much more to it than that.
  16. Today
  17. This is too good to not share it.
  18. Worry about racism coming from your own ethnostate before judging me. I am just fine thank you very much
  19. Candle's Journal Page 1. Motivation Commitment 1 Videos for neurotic behaviours. Attraction concepts. Unity is strength. Stop being a people pleaser. Random thoughts (Note 5). Why study female psychology? Random thoughts (Note 7 & 8). Commitment 2. Reminder. Page 2. My story. Parenting license. Sometimes I forget that trauma/violence. On relationships. Neurotic perfectionism. Chatgpt. Fave pics. Commitment 3. (A big decision). Whenever you react, you do a lot of bs. Changing dp frequently. Page 3. Note 19 (what to do exactly?) [Plan] I have ADHD. I welcome feedbacks in my journals. Remembrance. Remembered sth. Got suicidal. Either freedom or death. Be a little conscious before doing sh't. Random thoughts (Note 30) Inspiring story from "See You At The Top". What is cringe? No one will read your long posts. Good members. Page 4. My ultimate goals. Reasons to survive. Don't take personally. Current goals. Identity level change. Kindness. Loneliness. Leaving toxic family (non-negotiable). Understanding. Hugging. Neurotic behaviours list. Sacrifice. Don't be a perfectionist. My coping mechanism (self love). Creativity by Leo. Sex trafficking survivor video. Page 5. WHat sex trafficking looks like? Trauma bonds. Stockholm syndrome. Loneliness. Attachments. Validation. Is love always one-sided? Crush Limerence PSR. Self doubt. Some of the most imp. posts ❤️ of my life. Note 55. Some very imp. ❤️ thoughts.
  20. YES! Speaking from experience, 200ug is enough Btw, Lsd is very tiring Also, if any music, no lyrics Remember fully surrender and open up your body
  21. You are comparing two very different drugs, so they should be treated as such.
  22. osho has everything you need to reach nirvana for free
  23. It's not inherently wrong but it's wrong in the sense that it's not the proper way to live a healthy life as a solid member of society. If a brother and sister decide to leave society and spend their days in the woods, then what's wrong with that? lol. I mean, it's not for me, I think it's sick and weird, but if people want to do it, why not? But if they want to function in a society, it's a no-go. I recently had an insight that many incestuous relations start at a young age when the child becomes curious about sex. I saw that it was much more common than I had previously thought. More often than not, it gets repressed, but the longer the relations go on, the harder it is to repress/suppress. I recently heard about a teenage brother(16) and sister(15) having sex some decades ago. The story goes like: both kids were very attractive and curious about sex. They were attracted to each other but knew it was wrong. The sister enticed the brother and when the brother started penetrating her, she told him to stop but only out of guilt/shame. She intentionally brought about the conditions for the encounter to occur and invited him into her room when he was naked. Years later, she says her brother raped her. What better way to avoid the shame of wanting to sleep with your brother than to say it was against your will. Anyway, my point is I think it's more common than most realize but it's not psychologically healthy to engage in and if for nothing else, should be avoided based on that reasoning alone, regardless any feelings of disgust. Plenty of fish in the sea... don't fuck yourself by succumbing to the lust for your family members. 😂
  24. Yea. You can practice mindfulness throughout the day. Whereas you can plan 1 hour time for meditation everyday. If you are a beginner with meditation, I would suggest this video.
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