Blueprint >> Take Responsibility

Disclaimer: This document is in raw form as I process and distill 4 years-worth of my personal development notes. Expect some typos and cryptic language for now. I will be updating frequently and polishing up.

Prescription: Take 100% responsibility for your life.
Related Concepts: Be Proactive, Strategic Thinking, Victim Energy, Constructive vs. Destructive Thinking

What is Take Responsibilty?

The idea that you need to take complete responsibility for everything that happens in your life, even the things that seem out of your control. Your life is a perfect reflection of your thoughts.

Why is it Important?

You have way more control over your life than you give yourself credit for. You cannot a create a high-quality life while stuck in victim-thinking. Stop making excuses and blaming others for what you ultimately control.

Take Responsibility Videos

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Coach Leo Gura
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Take Reponsibility: Key Points

Take complete responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Even stuff that you think isn't caused by you — take responsibility for it.

Realize that you can change everything about yourself and your life, far more than you think possible. It's really amazing that this is the case.

Especially in situations where you feel you don't have control, like your boss treating you badly, or your spouse abusing you, you need to take responsibility. The fact is, you still have some control in those situations. There are always alternatives you haven't considered yet.

If you believe that you have no power to change something — that's it, you're stuck forever. This tends to be a self fulfilling prophecy. As soon as you start to think that you can't change, you can't change. And once you start thinking you can change, you are able to. Funny how that works. It's tragic when you are the cause of your own suffering.

Especially take responsibility for you how much time you have in the day and you schedule! You ultimate control your entire schedule. If you feel overwhelmed, like there's not enough time in the day, that's not an external problem, that's an internal problem. 2


  1. Mind Power, John Kehoe
  2. The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks
Coach Leo Gura
Hire me as your coach. Super-charge your life. Email me now!
  • Redesign your life to align with your purpose
  • Mindsets and tools for exceptional success